# Artboard 1

Targets and KPIs at a Glance

Within the four sustainability pillars, the REWE Group has defined key figures as well as clear targets. This allows progress to be quantified and measures to be adjusted if necessary. The most important ones are presented below. As the extraction of raw materials and the processing of products are highly relevant with regard to sustainability criteria, they are summarised separately.

Green Products
Topic KPI/Target Status 2022 Measures
Training programme for better working conditions

Complete integration into a training programme (Capacity Building) of the strategically relevant production sites for REWE’s and PENNY’s private label products in Germany as well as toom Baumarkt DIY stores by the end of 2030

See section Social Aspects in the Supply Chain

Complete integration into a training programme (Capacity Building) of the strategically relevant suppliers for REWE’s and PENNY’s private label products in Germany as well as toom Baumarkt DIY stores by the end of 2030

Grievance mechanism

Improved access to grievance mechanisms within relevant supply chains for the private label products at REWE and PENNY in Germany as well as toom Baumarkt DIY stores by the end of 2025

Animal welfare

Integration of better animal welfare in animal-based supply chains for the private labels of REWE and PENNY in Germany by 2030

See section Animal Welfare
Environmental programme

Complete integration of all relevant food and non-food suppliers of the RFE (REWE Far East) for the private label products of REWE and PENNY in Germany as well as toom Baumarkt DIY stores into an environmental programme by the end of 2030

See section Ecological Aspects in the Supply Chain

100 per cent more eco-friendly packaging for our private label products by the end of 20301

See section Packaging
Greenhouse gas emissions in the supply chain

Reduction of absolute greenhouse gas emissions by 15 per cent in the supply chains of the private label products of REWE and PENNY in Germany by the end of 2030 (compared to 2019)

See section Climate Protection in the Supply Chain

Increase of products2 labelled with the Nutri-Score at REWE and PENNY in Germany to 80 per cent by mid-2022 and to 100 per cent by mid-2023

See section Nutrition
Implementation in progress
Target achieved
Not available
Target not achieved
This goal applies to the REWE GROUP in Germany (REWE, PENNY, toom Baumarkt DIY stores) and since 2019 also to the international sales lines (BILLA, BILLA PLUS, PENNY and ADEG) The Sustainability Merchandise unit is responsible for surveying the degree of target achievement for REWE and PENNY in Germany.
Not relevant are private label products not requiring labelling.
Energy, Climate and the Environment
Topic KPI/Target Status 2022 Measures
Greenhouse gas emissions at company level

Reduction of absolute greenhouse gas emissions for all countries and companies of the REWE Group by 30 per cent by 2030 (compared with 2019)

Climate neutrality for all countries and companies of the REWE Group by 2040

-11.6% See section Climate Protection at Corporate Level

Total greenhouse gas emissions for all countries and companies of the REWE Group incl. retailers (Scope 1 to 3) in metric tonnes of CO2 equivalents


Reduction of refrigerant-related greenhouse gas emissions for all countries and companies of the REWE Group by 60 per cent by 2030 (compared with 2019)

Power consumption

Reduction of electricity consumption per square meter of sales area by 10 per cent by 2030 (compared with 2019) for all countries and companies of the REWE Group incl. retailers

- 6.7% See section Energy
Heat (fossil fuels incl. district heating)

Reduction of fossil fuel consumption incl. district heating by 20 per cent by 2030 (compared with 2019) for all countries and companies of the REWE Group incl. retailers

Energy consumption

Energy consumption for all countries and companies of the REWE Group incl. retailers (in GWh)2

Fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions1 of logistics

Fuel consumption (lorries/cars) for all countries and companies of the REWE Group incl. retailers (in GWh)2

1,714 See section Logistics and Mobility

Absolute greenhouse gas emissions of logistics incl. external forwarding logistics for all countries and companies of the REWE Group incl. retailers in tonnes of CO2 equivalents2

Non-hazardous waste

Absolute volume of non-hazardous waste for the REWE Group companies in Germany incl. independent retailers and Austria excluding retailers in metric tonnes3

825,106 See section Waste
Stores certified according to DGNB e. V.

Completed stores in accordance with the requirements of the DGNB e. V. (Green Building) of the REWE Group in Germany

371 See section Green Building
The calculation of emissions intensity includes direct, indirect energy-related and other indirect emissions (Scope 1, 2 and 3). For more information, see also section Climate Protection at Corporate Level.
Units that are no longer part of the REWE Group were not included.
The waste generated by the units that left the REWE Group in the reporting period in relation to the scope of application was not taken into account in the recording.
Topic KPI/Target Status 2022 Measures
Training quota

Maintaining the apprenticeship ratio of 5.4 per cent (share of apprentices in total headcount in full-time equivalent) by 2025

5.5% See section Education and Training
Internal staffing

Increase internal staffing of management positions to 80.0 per cent by 2025

75.3 %
Gender balance

Achieving gender balance in management positions by 2025

45.5 % female,
54.5 % male

See section Diversity, Equal Opportunities and Equal Treatment

Reduction of accidents per 1,000 full time equivalents to 43.5 by 2025

47.3 See section Occupational Health and Safety
Disabled employees quota

Maintaining disabled employees quota per capita2 at the level of at least 3.0 per cent by 2025

3.0 % See section Diversity, Equal Opportunities and Equal Treatment
The REWE Group in Germany and Austria incl. independent retailers.
The disability quota is calculated on a per capita basis and thus has a different basis of calculation than the mandatory employment quota of severely disabled persons pursuant to Section 154 of the Social Code (SGB) IX (Germany). The calculation of the disabled employees quota per capita was chosen in order to be able to determine a uniform cross-border key figure (Germany and Austria). People with disabilities are defined pursuant to Social Code (SGB) § 2 (Germany) and Disability Employment Act (BEinstG) (Austria).
Social Commitment
Topic KPI/Target Status 2022 Measures
Long-term projects

Share of long-term projects (> two years)

100 % See section Management Approach Social Involvement
Nutrition and exercise

Number of children and young people reached

Children and young people

Number of children and young people reached

Conscious use of food

Total donations in support of food banks in Germany and Austria

€ 830,376
Biodiversity and environmental protection

Project amount in the reporting year

€ 6,759,719 See sections Management Approach Social Involvement and Biodiversity
Raw Materials in Focus and Products
Topic KPI/Target Status 2022 Measures

100 per cent certified bananas (Rainforest Alliance, Fairtrade, organic) and pineapples (Rainforest Alliance, organic) at REWE and PENNY in Germany

See section Focus Raw Materials – Food
Cotton and textiles

100 per cent cotton textiles certified in accordance with Cotton made in Africa and GOTS for the private labels of REWE, PENNY and toom Baumarkt DIY stores in Germany by the end of 2025

See section Focus Raw Materials – Non-Food and Services

Share of organic products1 in the net sales value of organic private and manufacturer labels in the net sales value of REWE's and PENNY's private and manufacturer labels in Germany

8 % See section Organic

Organic private labels1 share of sales value net organic private labels of REWE and PENNY in Germany of sales value net private labels

15 %

REWE Bio1 share of sales value net "REWE Bio" in sales value net private labels at REWE

17 %

PENNY Naturgut1 share of sales value net “Naturgut” in sales value net private labels at PENNY

8 %
Biodiversity measures in fruit and vegetable cultivation

Establish/enhance 900 hectares of annual or perennial flower strips (since project start) by 2025

1,3552 See section Biodiversity

Plant 30,000 woody plants (trees, hedges and shrubs) by 2025


Set up 20,000 nesting aids by 2025

German origin

95 per cent conventional pork of German origin (5D) for REWE’s and PENNY’s private label in Germany by summer 2022

See section Regionalism

100 per cent organic fresh eggs of the “Spitz & Bube” brand at REWE in Germany by the end of 2020

See section Animal Welfare

100 per cent eggs without chick culling for REWE’s private label products in Germany by the end of 2021


In the long term, 100 per cent fish mono-products3 for REWE’s and PENNY’s private labels in Germany with tracking codes on the packaging

96 % See section Focus Raw Materials – Food


Guideline on Fish and Seafood

100 per cent private label fish products in the areas of frozen food, convenience, fresh produce and canned food at REWE and PENNY in Germany certified in accordance with Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), GLOBALG.A.P. Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) or organic certification, if available

86 %
Fresh meat4

100 per cent fresh meat4 (beef, pork & poultry) with at least husbandry system standards 2 for REWE’s and PENNY’s private labels in Germany by the end of 2025

70.4 % See section Animal Welfare

100 per cent fresh meat4 (beef, pork & poultry) with at least husbandry system standards 3 for REWE’s and PENNY’s private labels in Germany by the end of 2030

7.7 %
Processed meat products

100 per cent processed meat products5 with at least husbandry system standard 2 for REWE’s and PENNY’s private labels in Germany by the end of 2025

49.0 %
Fresh milk

100 per cent fresh milk from Austria and Germany for REWE’s and PENNY’s private labels in Germany by the end of 2021

See section Animal Welfare
Drinking milk

100 per cent drinking milk with at least husbandry system standard 2 for REWE’s and PENNY’s private labels in Germany by the end of 2025

100 per cent drinking milk with at least husbandry system standard 3 for REWE’s and PENNY’s private labels in Germany by the end of 2030

15.2 % See section Animal Welfare
Wood and paper

100 per cent wood and paper private label products in the non-food sector certified in accordance with Blue Angel, FSC Recycled, PEFC Recycled, FSC 100 per cent, PEFC™ or FSC Mix at REWE and PENNY in Germany by the end of 2025

99 % See section Focus Raw Materials – Non-Food and Services

100 per cent wood and paper private label products in the near-food sector certified in accordance with Blue Angel, FSC Recycled, PEFC Recycled, FSC 100 per cent, PEFC™ or FSC Mix at REWE and PENNY in Germany by the end of 2020


100 per cent private label coffee products certified in accordance with Rainforest Alliance, organic or Fairtrade at REWE and PENNY in Germany by the end of 2020

See section Focus Raw Materials – Food and Guideline on Coffee

100 per cent certified cocoa for REWE’s and PENNY’s private labels in Germany since the end of 2020

99 % See section Focus Raw Materials – Food and Guideline on Cocoa Products

100 per cent Fairtrade-certified chocolate products and pastries6 for REWE’s and PENNY’s private labels in Germany

Cosmetic products

100 per cent of cosmetic products without microplastics in accordance with the understanding defined in the guidelines for REWE’s and PENNY’s private labels in Germany by the end of 2020

See section Water and Guideline on Microplastics in Cosmetic Products

100 per cent of cosmetic products without focused synthetic and semi-synthetic polymers in dissolved/gel/liquid form according to the understanding defined in the guidelines, wherever possible without compromising the quality of the product for REWE’s and PENNY’s private labels in Germany by the end of 2020

Nordmann firs

100 per cent share of Nordmann firs from fair harvesting practices “Fair Trees” at toom Baumarkt DIY stores in Germany

See section Focus Raw Materials – Non-Food and Services
Palm oil

100 per cent RSPO-certified palm (kernel) oil for REWE’s and PENNY’s private labels in Germany, in Austria and at Lekkerland

See section Focus Raw Materials – Food and Guideline on Palm Oil

Purchase of 100 per cent at least segregated certified palm (kernel) oil since 2018 and 100 per cent at least mass-balanced certified fractions and derivatives since 2020 for REWE’s and PENNY’s private labels in Germany

99 %

Number of PRO PLANET products at REWE and PENNY in Germany7

1,585 See section PRO PLANET

25 per cent of REWE’s and PENNY’s private labels in Germany meet the PRO PLANET requirements by the end of 2025

12 %

Number of PRO PLANET products at toom Baumarkt DIY stores in Germany

Regional concept

Number of REWE Regional products at REWE stores in Germany incl. REWE Dortmund

867 See section Regionalism

Number of products according to the regional concept “Da komm ich her” (I’m From Here) at BILLA, BILLA PLUS and Sutterlüty in Austria

Juices (formerly Orange juice)

50 per cent share of all private label juices, nectars and fruit juice drinks (excluding promotional, seasonal and regional products) to be certified in accordance with Rainforest Alliance, Fairtrade, Naturland, organic, SAI FSA Bronze/ Silver/Gold, GLOBALG.A.P. at REWE and PENNY in Germany by the end of 2025

See section Focus Raw Materials – Food and Guideline on Juices

100 per cent Rainforest Alliance or organically certified orange and pineapple direct juice at REWE and PENNY in Germany by 2025

Soy in animal feed

100 per cent fresh milk and UHT milk, fresh egg assortment and fresh poultry with the seal of the German Association for Foodstuffs without Genetic Engineering (VLOG) or organic certification for REWE and PENNY private labels in Germany

See section Focus Raw Materials – Food

100 per cent certified herbal and fruit tea products (with at least 30 per cent certified raw material) for REWE’s and PENNY’s private labels in Germany by the end of 2025

96 % See section Focus Raw Materials – Food and Guideline on Tea

100 per cent certified black and green tea for REWE’s and PENNY’s private labels in Germany since the end of 2020

Peat-free soil

100 per cent elimination of peat-containing soils for private labels and branded products at toom Baumarkt DIY stores in Germany by 2025

See section Focus Raw Materials – Non-Food and Services

30 per cent recyclate content on average in private label packaging at REWE and PENNY in Germany by the end of 2025

See section Packaging and Guideline on More Eco-Friendly Packaging

Doubling of the range of the private label products offered in “Mehrweg & Unverpackt” (multiple use and unpacked) at REWE and PENNY in Germany by the end of 2025 compared with 2021

100 per cent of PET private label packaging for detergents and cleaners from recyclates at REWE and PENNY in Germany by the end of 20218+10

89 %

50 per cent recyclate content on average in PET single-use bottles for REWE’s and PENNY’s private labels in Germany by the end of 20239+10

47 %

20 per cent less plastic in private label packaging at REWE and PENNY in Germany by the end of 2025 compared with 2015

-29 %

100 per cent recyclable private label plastic packaging at REWE and PENNY in Germany by the end of 2025

100 per cent certified private label paper packaging at REWE and PENNY in Germany by the end of 2020

Implementation in progress
Target achieved
Not available
Target not achieved
Shares excluding near- and non-food, tobacco and alcoholic beverages.
New calculation basis: Beginning in 2022, all flowering areas ever created or enhanced since the project began will be reported. These are perennial and annual flowering areas, some of which are not permanent. In 2022, over 500 hectares were still preserved.
Fish products containing only one type of fish and excluding convenience, snacks and ready meals.
Self-service and service counter.
Sausage (self-service & service counter), incl. canned, frozen and convenience products with a meat content of more than 50 per cent, excl. foreign specialities.
These articles comprise the product groups chocolate and chocolate bars, pralines, Easter and Christmas sweets. Chocolate hazelnut spreads and instant cocoa cannot be assessed automatically as part of this survey, which is why these products do not fall within the reporting scope.
The purchase volume is the quantity of sales units of private label products purchased.
Where possible, at least 20 per cent recyclate from the yellow bag.
This is an adjusted target in the 2021 reporting year. It became apparent that the REWE Group would reach its previous target of a 25 per cent recyclate content as early as 2021.
This target also applies to toom Baumarkt DIY stores in Germany, but is not included in the data collection.

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