# Artboard 1
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GRI 403

Health Management

Brief Overview:

The REWE Group aims not just to maintain the health of its employees (see Occupational Health and Safety), but also to promote it. The company

  • aims to sustainably promote the health of its workers and to prevent illness;
  • offers a variety of measures, such as occupational healthcare, vaccinations, a varied course and prevention programme, the health platform “Gemeinsam.Topfit” (“Together. In top shape”), as well as psychosocial counselling. There are also national campaigns focusing on different issues, such as bowel cancer screening or mental health.

Health and safety is an area of action in the Employees pillar of the Sustainability Strategy of the REWE Group.

GRI 403: Occupational Health and Safety

Management Approach


By promoting the health of its employees, the REWE Group can ensure that they remain healthy and productive. The company is therefore not only fulfilling its legal duty of care but also counteracting the shortage of skilled workers. Furthermore, preventive measures such as ergonomic workspaces, analogue and digital course programmes, or incentives to promote healthy behaviour enable the REWE Group to position itself as an attractive employer. The REWE Group is aware that due to its decentralised structure and the diversity of fields of activity, it must ensure that occupational health management reaches all employees equally with offers in the areas of exercise, nutrition, and mental health. The company fulfils this obligation with numerous measures and projects, including with its health platform “Gemeinsam.topfit” (see section Health Programme).

Furthermore, preventive measures such as ergonomic workplaces, analogue and digital course programmes, or incentives to promote healthy behaviour, enable the REWE Group to position itself as an attractive employer.


With its health management, the REWE Group intends to create the framework conditions for making work at the company healthy and for enabling employees to behave in a way that benefits their health.


The REWE Group aims to sustainably promote the health of its employees, to prevent illness, and therefore to increase the health rate.

Responsibility and Resources

Dr Daniela Büchel (Member of the Management Board – People and Sustainability Officer) is responsible for strategic control.

The Center of Expertise (CoE) Health & Innovation is responsible for the occupational health management of the REWE Group for REWE and PENNY in Germany. It is consistently committed to employees – as a complement to “classic” occupational health and safety. Furthermore, experts are responsible for implementing measures in the respective units in the individual business units and regions.


With regard to occupational health management, the administrative locations in Germany, REWE and PENNY in Germany, plus other smaller sales lines (Retail Germany, see also REWE Group portrait), developed a national occupational health management strategy in 2019 together with DER Touristik. Four areas of action were defined:

  • Optimised use of resources (for example, development of KPIs, annual measures planning process)
  • Increasing the degree of comprehension and effectiveness (communication concepts for employees and executives)
  • Fulfilment of legal requirements
  • Prevention and occupational health promotion

The strategy and the measures derived from it were and are continuously updated and presented to all business units. Furthermore, the business units are invited to participate in projects and measures with regular exchanges taking place.

Along with occupational healthcare and the option of vaccinations or preventive screening, the REWE Group’s health promotion benefits also include many different course and prevention programmes and the health platform “Gemeinsam.topfit”. The sales lines also offer a wide variety of prevention services at regional level.

In the individual REWE regions during the reporting period, these included flu vaccinations at administrative and logistics locations, health days focusing on bowel cancer prevention, addiction, and mental health issues, as well as a number of seminars on the topic of care and counselling for relatives, advice on ergonomics and skin screenings, optional nutrition advice, road safety training for cyclists, or lectures on mindfulness and relaxation exercises.

Employees who want to begin work again after a long illness are supported by the company's reintegration management. It is guided by legal regulations and takes into consideration occupational framework conditions, such as location and employee structures.

At the REWE Group in Austria, occupational health promotion is based on three areas: Physical, social, and mental/well-being. This holistic, bio-psychosocial approach to health is supported by programmes in the stores and at the headquarters of the retail companies. The REWE Group in Austria has already been awarded the “Occupational Health Promotion” quality seal several times for its high level of commitment in the area of health promotion.

With its occupational health management, the Lekkerland sales line also aims to promote and maintain the health of its employees. This is also intended to have a positive impact on the motivation, performance, and productivity of employees. The implementation measures include preventive and counselling services aimed at reducing the physical and mental strain on employees. For example, the unit offers health days, mental health risk assessments, healthy food options via canteens or vending machines, optimal ergonomic workstations, flu vaccinations, and preventive screening. Lekkerland employees also have access to the course and prevention programme of the REWE Group’s health platform “Gemeinsam.topfit”.

Health promotion at toom Baumarkt DIY store is decentralised. It involves seminars on the topic of “healthy management” and a health Olympics in individual DIY stores. Addiction counselling provided by trained counsellors is also implemented on site in all regions.

Along with occupational healthcare and the option of vaccinations or preventive screening, the REWE Group’s health promotion benefits also include many different course and prevention programmes and the health platform “Gemeinsam.topfit”.

Involvement of Stakeholders

The REWE Group’s stakeholders classified the topics of health and safety as relevant for the company (see Materiality Analysis). They are informed annually about the effectiveness of measures taken via the Sustainability Report and in various dialogue formats (see Stakeholder Dialogue). The REWE Group’s employees can constantly provide important input on employee issues. Depending on the topic, various formats are available for this, such as employee representatives, committee meetings, training, working groups, or surveys. For more information, please refer to the Compliance section.

GRI 403-6: Promotion of worker health

Measures and Projects

The REWE Group implements numerous measures and projects to promote the health of its employees. A selection of these for the reporting year is presented below, sorted by topic.

Health Programmes

Become healthy, be healthy – and stay healthy Highlight

“Gemeinsam.topfit” is an online platform of the REWE Group and includes an app. It can be used by business areas such as REWE and PENNY in Germany, REWE Digital, DER Touristik, Lekkerland, nahkauf, and numerous other small companies. Since 2019, it has been helping its users to lead a healthy lifestyle: From stress management to nutritional tips, employees can take advantage of various offers available in “Gemeinsam.topfit”. In addition to video and audio courses, recipes and other content, a Job.Fit module provides employees with valuable information about everyday work and physical activities, such as lifting and carrying heavy products, stacking shelves or sitting at the cash desk. In addition, lectures on specific topics lectures, health courses, company medical consultations and vaccinations can also be booked directly via the app. There is also a number of various training and relaxation units that can be done at home. Across Germany, over 70,000 employees from the different sales lines have already registered for the “Gemeinsam.topfit” app.

Preventive Measures

Mental healthcare Highlight

The REWE Group in Germany launched the project “LoS!” (Life Phase-Oriented Self-Help Skills) in 2011. It was developed in cooperation with the Institute for Preventive Healthcare (IFGP). In terms of preventive healthcare, the focus is on managing stress and mental strain as both can have a serious impact on the employability, motivation and work performance of employees.

The so-called “LoS! multipliers” are essential for the project: The now 233 employees (2021: 216) are trained as first-line councellors and act as voluntary points of contact to support employees in critical phases of life. New guidelines are regularly developed to support them.

Cooperation and projects with DAK

During the reporting period, a new cooperation agreement for occupational health management in Germany was concluded with the health insurance provider Deutsche Angestellten Krankenkasse (DAK-Gesundheit) for the next three years. Various measures and projects were carried out as part of this cooperation:

  • In December 2022, a digital national health day took place at the REWE Group for the first time. In cooperation with DAK-Gesundheit and Aktivital, all employees were offered a day-long programme with different modules. It included lectures on issues such as stress, back health, or recipes to pre-cook, e.g. for lunch. There were also sessions where employees could join in, e.g. with exercises or relaxation techniques. In total, approximately 700 employees took part in the offers.
  • In cooperation with DAK-Gesundheit and healthcare experts from the region, a seminar on dealing with difficult customers in the stores was developed, piloted, and included in the portfolio of measures. The regions have been able to book the seminar since October 2022.
  • Digital lectures by experts on topics such as mental health and sleep, including work-life balance, were also held in March 2022.
Healthy activities that are also good for the climate

During the reporting period, a climate challenge was announced across sales lines in Germany on the health platform “Gemeinsam.topfit”. The aim was to save 20,000 kilograms of CO2 emissions and, at the same time, promote healthy activities, such as walking instead of driving or adopting a vegetarian or vegan diet. The campaign was very well-received. In the end, the total 21,941 kilograms CO2e saved resulted in a donation of 1,100 euros to the NABU Climate Fund Climate Protection in the Supply Chain).

Courses from Fit.Netz

At the Cologne headquarters, occupational health management offers preventive courses under the name Fit.Netz. Along with classic health promotion offers in accordance with § 20 SGB V (German Social Code, V), the programmes also include further courses in the area of exercise and relaxation. from 2018 until 2022, a total of 3,655 courses were attended, 293 of which were taken in the reporting year (2021: 532).

Cancer screening

On the occasion of World Breast Cancer day on 1 October, the REWE Group in Germany offered all its employees four webinars on breast cancer prevention in the reporting period in cooperation with “discovering hands” – an initiative that trains blind and visually impaired women to become medical-tactile examiners. Their special tactile abilities enable them to detect around 30 per cent more tissue changes than doctors. The webinars provide important information on prevention, instructions on self-examination, and offer the option of being able to ask individual questions. Approximately 200 employers participated.

Furthermore, the initiative “Du bist wichtig” (“You matter”) has existed since 2012. Employees of the REWE Group across Germany receive a time credit of one hour to take part in cancer screening. In 2022, a total of 3,902 employees (2021: 2,227) took advantage of screenings.

Trainee health day

The trainee health day “Fit im Job” (“Fit at Work”) has been held at the REWE sales line in Germany since 2021 and at PENNY in Germany since 2022. It takes place during the first year of training and aims to sustainably promote health awareness among trainees at an early stage and in a sustainable manner. Topics include healthy eating, exercise and ergonomics, addiction and mental health.

Get moving – running campaigns and JobRad

In 2022, the REWE Group across Germany took part in the company running series B2Run for the first time. Nearly 1,000 runners tackled a distance of around six kilometres at seven locations. Preparation for the runs was available in advance on Gemeinsam.topfit, plus all participants received a vest and food at their team stands at the runs themselves. In Cologne, the REWE Group was awarded the title “Fittest Group” for having the most participants.

After the event had been cancelled for two years due to the pandemic, the REWE Group was back at the starting line of the Cologne Marathon in 2022 – with a total of 30 relay, 21 marathon, and 133 half-marathon runners, making it the largest company team at the event.

Employees also got active through JobRad. The offer to receive a company bicycle as part of a deferred compensation model, which is available to all employees of the REWE Group, has been taken up more than 10,749 times since the end of 2016 (2021: more than 8,000 times).

Company agreement concerning addiction

In 2021, a new company-level agreement on the support of people suffering from addiction was concluded. On this basis, a comprehensive brochure on the topic of addiction was produced during the reporting year. It serves as a guide for executives when dealing with the issue of addiction and affected employees.