# Artboard 1
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GRI 404

Training and Education

Brief Overview:

The REWE Group is an attractive employer with a range of offers for professional and personal development. The company

  • aims to recruit numerous specialists and executives from within the company, as well as to retain qualified and motivated employees in the long term;
  • offers 25 different options for training and, in case of good performance, guaranteed employment;
  • promotes employees from entry level to management level through personnel development and training, including on the topic of sustainability;
  • uses company-wide talent management to realise career and succession planning so it can develop specialists and executives from within its own ranks;
  • continues to develop its employees’ competencies with numerous measures and projects and provides targeted support for their careers.

All of the REWE Group’s education and training takes place within the Training and Development area of action, which belongs to the pillar Employees within the REWE Group's Sustainability Strategy.

GRI 404: Training and Education

Management Approach


Constant changes are currently affecting the labour market: Digitization is changing the working world, and demographic change is resulting in a shortage of skilled workers. Promoting education and training is therefore particularly relevant for the REWE Group: It enables the company to build up missing knowledge, train employees accordingly, and meet new challenges such as digitization. This enables the REWE Group to position itself for the future and offer its employees long-term prospects. As an international trade and tourism company, the REWE Group is able to offer a wide range of different job profiles, numerous training and further education opportunities, as well as many career options.


The REWE Group promotes all its employees and executives with a comprehensive range of internal training and further education opportunities aimed at developing personal and professional skills.

The topic of sustainability plays a role here too – training courses and projects provide trainees, employees, and executives in the REWE Group with insights into general and specific sustainability issues.

Targets and KPIs

The REWE Group aims to position itself as an attractive employer, recruiting talented people and retaining them in the company for the long term. As part of this effort, the company endeavours to recruit as many specialists and executives as possible from within its own ranks and to retain qualified and motivated employees on a long-term basis.

As part of this effort, the company endeavours to recruit as many specialists and executives as possible from within its own ranks and to retain qualified and motivated employees on a long-term basis.

With regard to the target of increasing the proportion of executive positions filled by internal candidates to 80.0 per cent by 2025, the ratio in the reporting year was 75.3 per cent, slightly below the previous year (2021: 75.9 per cent).

The REWE Group also aims to steadily increase the apprenticeship ratio or at least maintain it at the level of 5.4 per cent. During the reporting year, trainees amounted to 5.5 per cent of the workforce, above the target value of 5.4 per cent.

Target 2020 2021 2022 Status
To increase internal staffing of executive positions to 80.0% by 2025 71.9 % 75.9 % 75.3 %
To maintain the apprenticeship ratio of 5.4% (proportion of trainees in total headcount in full-time equivalent) by 2025 5.3 % 5.6 % 5.5 %
Implementation in progress
Target achieved
Not available
Target not achieved

Scope: The REWE Group in Germany and Austria, including independent retailers

Responsibility and Resources

Dr Daniela Büchel (Member of the Management Board – People and Sustainability Officer) is responsible for the strategic control of the area of Training and Education. The respective HR departments of the individual sales lines are responsible for the operational implementation of the topic.


The systematic HR development of the REWE Group enables employees to fulfil their potential and pursue different development paths. Employees from entry level to executives receive continuous and individual support.

There are around 25 different training options at the REWE Group – for example, in retail or wholesale and foreign trade, food production, IT, logistics, or in the professional field of tourism. REWE in Germany offers trainees who perform well a guaranteed job after completing their training. In total, the REWE Group in Germany and Austria (scope of the sustainability report) employs 10,652 trainees (2021: 10,519).

There are around 25 different training options at the REWE Group – for example, in retail or wholesale and foreign trade, food production, IT, logistics, or in the professional field of tourism.

At the REWE Group, training opportunities are specifically developed for each sales line to satisfy the different requirements and, at the same time, to take into consideration the needs of employees. The group also offers HR development and training programmes, which are open to all employees and executives from all sales lines. This promotes group-wide networking and provides participants with an insight into other sales lines.

Involvement of Stakeholders

In the Materiality Analysis, the REWE Group’s stakeholders classified the topic of Training and Education as relevant for the company. They are informed annually about the effectiveness of measures taken via the Sustainability Report and in various dialogue formats (see Stakeholder Dialogue). The REWE Group’s employees can continuously provide important input on employees’ issues. Depending on the topic, various formats are available for this, such as employee representatives, committee meetings, training, working groups, or surveys. For more information, please refer to the Compliance section.

Measures and Projects

The REWE Group continues to develop its employees’ competencies with numerous measures and projects, and provides targeted support for their careers. They can be found in the sections Systematic HR Development and Training and Talent Management.

The REWE Group also implements a range of different measures and projects aimed at providing increased support in the context of training and studying. In sales departments in particular, the individual sales lines of the REWE Group attach great importance to taking on their employees once they have completed training and offering them further education and support in targeted programmes. Depending on the sales line, preparation for the role of a store manager takes between two and three years.

The measures and projects within the context of training for the reporting year are presented below, sorted thematically by:

Recruiting Trainees

Trainee marketing: Training Campaigns Highlight

Since 2012, the increasingly important and fast-paced trainee marketing has entirely been the responsibility of the individual sales lines. This enables targeted recruitment of trainees and meeting the demand for specialised staff.

The training campaigns of REWE and PENNY in Germany are carried out both digitally and conventionally throughout the country. They are based on a year-round campaign on their own social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok) and on target-group-specific training websites that present the employers and are also used for job postings and job applications (e.g., ausbildung.de and azubiyo.de). The campaign is also supported by search engine marketing.

Twice a year – once when the job is posted and once at the peak of the application phase in the target group – the campaign is intensified with national media entries in the digital area (e.g., banners), on TV and radio, and in print, for example, with advertisements or advertorials in popular magazines and daily newspapers, as well as in educational marketing (e.g., application guides, college notebooks). If necessary, these measures are extended with location-specific campaigns in the REWE and PENNY regions.

In the reporting year, the campaign “Bring dich ins Spiel – als Azubi bei REWE” (“Bring yourself into play – as a trainee at REWE”) ran again on social media, e.g., YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok, for REWE in Germany The campaign uses a gamification approach and own content formats.

PENNY in Germany is also investing in its young professionals with the project NEO. To make potential trainees aware of PENNY as an employer, it is continuously developing cross-media campaigns – in print and digital form for the point of sale or as digital out-of-home advertising on local screens. Since 2021, more attention has been drawn to the numerous career opportunities on PENNY’s Instagram marketing channel. New channels such as TikTok are operated in cooperation with external agencies. The focus is on the employer campaign with the slogan “Du kannst alles sein, außer egal” (“You can be anything but irrelevant”).

The Austrian sales lines prefer social media channels as the best way to reach out to trainees. In the reporting year, BILLA ran recruitment campaigns on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. The large-scale employer branding campaign “Stabil? StaBILLA!” (Stable? StaBILLA!”) was advertised on posters and displayed on advertising screens at colleges and universities across Austria.

At Lekkerland, the focus of the campaigns has been on logistics since 2020, with mailings sent to schools, for example. Furthermore, the company promotes its training offers online on several web portals. A cross-media campaign for 2023 was prepared during the reporting year.

DER Touristik is running the “DER sucht Dich” (“DER wants you”) campaign on Instagram. Furthermore, trainees act as trainee ambassadors to recruit new trainees. A new campaign is planned for 2023.

With the employer branding campaign “Dein Team. Dein toom” (“Your team. Your toom”), toom Baumarkt DIY store puts the focus of the sales line onto employees, team spirit and, therefore, mutual respect, appreciation, and support. It directly addresses trainees on training platforms and via social media campaigns on Instagram. It is also running search engine campaigns, as well as new formats, such as take-over stories on Instagram, and podcasts. Since 2022, applicants have been able to submit their application quickly and easily via WhatsApp.

Trainee marketing: Cooperations

During the reporting period, the PENNY sales line in Germany concluded a cooperation with the charitable organisation Haydee!, which enables free digital one-to-one coaching across Germany for pupils from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds. The sales line provided support in the form of a 10,000 euro donation. Furthermore, a “career buddy” programme has been running since October 2022, in which PENNY employees provide Haydee! mentees with 1:1 mentoring to help with career choice or applications.

PENNY in Germany has also supported the training and empowerment network Queermentor (see also Diversity, Equal Opportunities, and Equal Treatment) with a donation amounting to 8,000 euros, enabling 20 queer young people to participate in the programme.

PENNY has been collaborating with IW Junior since 2019. The subsidiary of the German Economic Institute has the objective of enabling young people to have an entrepreneurial mindset. In 2022, the sales line supported the Federal Competition for Student Startups (Bundeswettbewerb der Schülerfirmen) as a federal sponsor. PENNY employees also shared their career path with over 100 pupils in a career talk. A further element of the cooperation during the reporting period was an innovation camp where around 60 pupils had the opportunity to work on the typical issues of a business and to pitch to a PENNY panel.

Studying, Scholarships, and Trainee Programmes

Dual courses or studying while in employment

Along with the classic apprenticeship programmes, the REWE Group also offers the option of dual courses or studying while in employment, including in cooperation with Cologne Business School (CBS) in Brühl, Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW) at nine locations, the School of Economics (Fachhochschule der Wirtschaft) (FHDW) in Bergisch Gladbach, and the Berlin School of Economics and Law. The courses cover trade, tourism, and event management, as well as IT for business and applied IT. As in the previous year, 183 students were enrolled in the reporting year (of which 86 were enrolled for a dual course).

Furthermore, the REWE Group also offers employees with a bachelor‘s degree a customised part-time masters course leading to the qualification “M.A. International Retail Management” in cooperation with the ESB Business School at Reutlingen University. The course provides key skills in national and international trade management. Students are released from work during the attendance phases. The REWE Group bears most of the costs; the participants make a financial contribution. During the reporting year, 12 employees completed their studies and ten employees from the various national and international sales lines began courses in October 2021 and will study until 2023. In the reporting year, it was possible to hold more face-to-face events.

Promotion via scholarships

In 2022, the REWE Group continuously supported 18 scholarship holders (2021: 17) with the Deutschlandstipendium. The selected economics students at Cologne University and University of Applied Sciences will receive financial support. Through this and through excursions to production and warehouse sites, as well as through regular counselling, scholarship holders get to know the REWE Group as an attractive place to begin their career.

Trainee programmes for university graduates

The REWE Group trainee programme offers university graduates from different subjects an interesting and varied start to their working life. During the 18 to 24-month programme, they mainly work in their respective core areas. They also complete stages in relevant interface areas, including abroad. 66 university graduates began their “training on the job” during the reporting period (2021: 27). The elevated growth in comparison to 2021 is the result of increased demand. The same applies to the REWE Group in Austria: In the reporting year 2022, 17 (2021: 7) trainees participated in the management trainee programme, as well as in specific trainee programmes, for example, in goods or IT.

Young professional programmes for retailers

A retailer trainee programme has been in place since 2016. It consists of a 24-month training phase and a subsequent 12-month role as a store manager. It is aimed at university graduates with a desire for independence and a strong interest in retail. The goal is to become an independent REWE retailer. Besides focused roles in different stores, the trainee programme also covers sales force roles in the respective regional headquarters and at the company headquarters in Cologne. Two trainees started in 2022 (2021: 5).

Since 2021, REWE and nahkauf in Germany have offered a dual bachelors course in independent retail in cooperation with the Academy of German Cooperatives Business School (ADG BS). This is a special training offer for young talents as retailers and potential young retailers for REWE. The Business Administration Retail Focus, Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) is a part-time course with a practical focus. Four semesters are dedicated to learning basic business management and the course also covers retail knowledge in greater depth. The theoretical knowledge and practical application prepare students for their own independent retail business.

Digital Learning

Online learning content, blended learning, and apps

At REWE in Germany, the seminar and training structure was revised at the beginning of the 2021 training year and new virtual and in-person seminars were added as part of the “Azubistrategie” (“trainee strategy”) programme. Building on this, the “Digitale Zukunftsstarter” (“digital future starters”) project was added in 2022. It involves redesign of digital learning content for trainees in sales, logistics, and administration. As part of this, e-learning modules on company-specific and training-relevant content, soft skills, and product knowledge were drawn up, taking into consideration the blended learning strategy. The structure in the Learning Management System was also adapted accordingly.

Trainees at the sales line can likewise prepare for their examinations or learn about products with the learning app “Frisches Wissen” (“fresh knowledge”). Various game formats, such as quiz questions, index cards, and a glossary add variety.

At PENNY in Germany, trainees can prepare for graduation with Prozubi, an online learning platform for trainees in commercial roles. Like REWE, PENNY also has a learning app that covers knowledge about products and merchandise management. In 2022, PENNY also introduced or updated numerous training elements, such as the Sustainability, Health, and Diversity practical day or soft skills seminars that prepare trainees for their target roles. PENNY aims to guarantee young managers for the stores with varied and in-depth education and training.

As part of the REWE International AG (RIAG)“Karriereschmiede” (“Career Building Programme”) a learning app is also available to trainees in Austria. It enhances course offerings and exam preparation with special events and up-to-date content. Since the reporting year, three e-learning modules have been added to training. Since 2021, one to two-day “Lehrlingspersönlichkeitsseminare” (“trainee personality seminars”) have been an integral part of training in Austria: Trainees can expect a different topic for each year of training. The first covers self-motivation and study techniques, the second covers tips for communication and sales professionals, and the third is about time and conflict management.

At the sales line Lekkerland, trainees and dual students at the company headquarters are supported with a web-based training series. At the beginning and end of training, it puts the focus on issues that are relevant for a successful start to professional life and on the foundations for activities once training is finished.

At DER Touristik, training is supported by learning sponsors. Various learning formats are also offered.

At toom Baumarkt DIY store, employees are supported during training with an individual training plan on the online platform toom learning arena. Along with e-training and live online training, trainees also receive face-to-face preparation for all training-relevant content. The offering is enhanced by exam preparation on the Prozubi exam platform, both face-to-face and digitally.

Sustainability in Training

Sustainability in Training

The REWE Group integrates the topic of sustainability into its training programmes. Trainees in all sales lines work on small projects independently and take responsibility for them.

  • Trainees in wholesale and foreign trade (administration REWE Group headquarters) each complete 40 hours of work at a social institution.
  • Trainees at REWE in Germany receive training on the topic of sustainability and visit regional businesses, producers, and suppliers on site.
  • Trainees at the REWE Group headquarters carry out mandatory sustainability projects during the first year of training.
  • All trainees at PENNY in Germany receive annual training on the topic of sustainability and complete sustainability projects.
  • Trainees at toom Baumarkt DIY store complete an e-learning course on the topic of sustainability that covers the four pillars of the group-wide sustainability strategy. They are also involved in sustainable projects.
REWE Group Star: Awards for sustainability projects Highlight

The group-wide competition REWE Group Star aims to motivate trainees and young professionals to live sustainably – and therefore strengthen the idea of sustainability within the company. In the team, employees work on sustainability issues that they want to take further. They then plan concrete projects and take responsibility for putting them into practice. In 2022, 38 teams handed in their projects (2021: 41). As part of the ten-year anniversary of the REWE Group Stars, the ten best-placed teams were invited to an awards ceremony and honoured for their dedication. First place went to the project “Ocean Cup” by four trainees at REWE in Germany from Region Nord: a concept and its implementation to reduce plastic waste by swapping disposable cups with reusable cups at the logistics site.

Trainee project: Fair supermarket train

In collaboration with Fairtrade Germany and DB Regio, REWE Region Mitte opened the “Fairer Supermarktzug” (“Fair Supermarket Train”) at the end of 2021: It is a supermarket in a special train that is stocked with around 3,000 products in three wagons. It stops at six stations for two days each. The store was managed at all stations by a changing 30-strong team of trainees from the respective sales area. They also managed the on-board bistro. The Fairtrade Award panel was also impressed by the dedication of the trainees: The community project won the Fairtrade Award in the Innovation category in the reporting year.

Along with issues of regionalism and sustainability, the supermarket train also raised awareness of diversity in training at REWE. The participating trainees also had the opportunity to experience and manage all the processes involved in a new opening. This also helped develop the trainee’s independence and practical experience.

GRI 404-2: Programmes for Upgrading Employee Skills

Systematic HR Development and Training

The REWE Group uses different concepts and programmes to promote education and training for its employees that are specific to target groups in every sales line. These concepts and programmes teach important skills for the respective areas of activity in sales, logistics, and administration, and prepare for further roles or for an executive role in a store, in sales, or at the headquarters. They are presented below for the reporting year, sorted by topic:


On-the-job training and introductory training

Good on-the-job training of new staff is on the agenda at all sales lines. Various studies and surveys show that structured onboarding processes with regular meetings to share experiences, as well as software offers for information, reduce turnovers, especially early turnover, motivate new colleagues and make them loyal to the company. For example, onboarding and/or check-in days, sponsorship by colleagues, and on-the-job training plans are therefore available to the majority of employees in the respective company areas of the REWE Group. Furthermore, they are also allocated relevant e-learning modules on topics such as data protection, security awareness, compliance, antitrust law, and occupational safety, in the Learning Management System when they start.

Not only employees but also retailers have been able to use the welcome website of the REWE Group in Germany since 2021. New employees can find out detailed information about their employer there, starting from when their contract is concluded.

New employees are integrated into the checkout, gourmet, and fruit and vegetable areas in 113 training stores at BILLA in Austria. A welcome pack is also made available to them on the intranet. Furthermore, welcome days that present the departments to new employees are held several times a year. Employees are also given practical training in regional training centres. The BILLA trainee centre in Salzburg opened in 2022.

HR Development Programmes and Training

Training for everyone

All administration staff at REWE and PENNY in Germany, the central divisions in Cologne and the regions, as well as other sales lines of the REWE Group in Germany have access to a varied range of seminars that is monitored centrally at the Cologne office via a Learning Center. The training modules from the Lernen.Katalog (“Learning Catalogue”) with just under 160 offers can be booked in the Learning Management System. There are also separate seminars for all regions and sales. The qualification offer is supplemented by subject-specific academies for the business units human resources, real estate, accounting, products, and IT. The seminars are continuously adapted to the needs of the respective target group.

HR development programmes in training

The REWE Group provides individual support to talented people. At REWE in Germany, for example, young retailers are supported on the pathway to independence with training from the Junior Campus.

At REWE, the REWE Group headquarters, PENNY in Germany, and toom Baumarkt DIY store, trainers are offered the Chamber of Industry and Commerce-certified “Ausbildung der Ausbilder” (“Training the Trainer”), as well as regular trainer workshops.

HR development programmes for executives

Along with varied training opportunities for all employees and trainees of the REWE Group, the company also offers special training opportunities for executives at middle and senior management levels.

The aim of all development programmes for middle management across the whole of the REWE Group is to strengthen executives in their role, to prepare them for the challenges of the future, and to promote international networking. They cover the topics of leadership, business skills, and personal development.

For the first two management levels, from the management board and divisional board members to senior executives, the demanding, internal training programme of myCampus benefits need-based acquisition of knowledge and cross-company networking. Face-to-face training, presentations, and coaching are used to develop skills.

A new training landscape, the REWE Academy for Executives, was developed at REWE in Germany in 2019. It is tailored to specific target positions in store, sales, and administration, such as store manager, team leader, and sales manager. Furthermore, participants from sales, administration, and logistics learn how they can benefit from each other in joint seminars. Since 2021, specialised staff from the service and fruit and vegetable areas have also had access to an academy. Specialist training of employees with four-stage programmes is the basis for the company being able to fill sales positions from its own ranks and to give employees development opportunities. In this way, REWE is actively tackling the shortage of skilled workers. The academies are supported by the region-specific offer.

PENNY in Germany also develops and promotes upcoming and new store manages at store level: They receive professional and personal preparation for this role with the new executive development programmes “Neu als Führungskraft” (“New Executives”) and “PENNY Up”.

Lekkerland promotes specialised executives and young managers from logistics with the “Team Manager” programme. New disciplinary executives are prepared for their role in the First Leadership programme.

With the young talent promotion programme for team and store executives in sales, as well as the “Persönlichkeitskompass” (“Personality Compass”) development programmes and executive programme for employees at headquarters, toom Baumarkt DIY store offers employees and executives a comprehensive development offer for both professional and personal development.

Executives from the senior management levels are offered programmes that focus on networking and international exchange, as well as qualification. Participants come from all sales lines. Special training and the “Future Journey” programme have been offered to middle management across the group since 2018. It gives this important target group preparation for the future requirements of professional life and helps them become more closely networked, both in the programme and as individuals, especially with regard to innovation and leadership. Approximately 150 participants have completed the programme so far.

Executives develop more professional skills and are prepared for roles in top management in the group-wide Management Academy. The focus is on topics of leadership, self-reflection, and strategic alignment. Sustainability is also an important cornerstone – both when questioning and discussing our own behaviour and in practice.

Digital Learning

Live online seminars and blended learning

As in the case of trainees (see section Online Learning Content, Blended Learning, and Apps), the REWE Group increasingly focuses on digital learning and blended learning concepts to increase its employees’ skills. This is an efficient method for reaching everybody and offering them the opportunity to learn from home. Live online seminars have been held via Microsoft Teams as a collaboration platform since 2020. Since summer 2021, REWE and PENNY stores in Germany have been successively equipped with tablets to make it even easier for sales employees to take part in virtual meetings and training. REWE is committed to applying a blended learning strategy in the REMIX project. Based on extensive surveys of learners, experiences with digital learning from the pandemic phase are included and enhanced with new learning trends.

The DNAble Academy has existed since November 2021 with almost 60 learning courses on the new world of work for all target groups – on topics such as “remote management”, “virtual collaboration”, and “use of digital tools”. Training has been conducted in face-to-face format, as well as in blended learning and live online formats, since spring 2022.

toom Baumarkt DIY store also offers many live online seminars aimed at improving professional competence in collaboration with suppliers and manufacturers.


Across the company, the training portfolio encompasses around 219 e-learning modules, digital nuggets (training that takes less than five minutes), and mini trainings. They teach some legally prescribed content, such as content about hygiene, preventing infection, and occupational safety. The portfolio also contains voluntary learning offers, for example, covering career and succession planning for employees. The objective of e-learning is to teach practical knowledge, sometimes in a fun way. The training units are appealing and interactive, and aimed at supporting and training employees via an intuitive learning format.

REWE and PENNY in Germany, the central divisions in Cologne and the regions, as well as other sales lines have access to a cloud-based IT platform with the module “Learning”. Lekkerland has likewise access to it. The sales line also uses its own e-learning on feedback culture, change, and flexibility. toom Baumarkt DIY store, DER Touristik and the REWE Group in Austria have their own e-learning platforms.

Overview of Participants of Online Courses and Face-to-Face Training Sessions

  2020 2021 2022
  Completed online courses Completed face-to-face training sessions (some digital due to COVID-19) Completed online courses Completed face-to-face training sessions (some digital due to COVID-19) Completed online courses Completed face-to-face training sessions (some digital due to COVID-19)
REWE1 901,918 40,277 972,153 60,624 962,264 69,127
PENNY 208,363 11,740 241,798 9,130 256,368 11,345
toom Baumarkt DIY store 81,537 Not collected 115,5572 1,2022 102,659 2,097
Central retail Germany, production operations3, REWE Digital, and small sales lines 44,641 8,104 57,187 7,848 53,257 5,950
DER Touristik 2,748 357 500 0 3,751 211
Lekkerland 1,711 891 6,800 1,385 10,8934 1,476
All sales lines 309,730 Not collected 309,610 7,075 (training days) 952,314 936,128
Scope: The REWE Group in Germany and Austria, including independent retailers
Including PETZ REWE and REWE To Go.
No training took place during short-time work in the first six months of the year.

GRI 2-4: The data was retrospectively corrected due to a miscalculation and deviate from what is shown in the previous year’s report.
Glocken Bäckerei and Quality Butcher Wilhelm Brandenburg.
The number includes qualifications in group-wide legal topics, as well as Lekkerland’s internal offers.

Sustainability in Training

NHlunch: Insights into sustainability issues

The NH Lunch (Sustainability Lunch) is a digital format aimed at all employees in the Cologne REWE Group headquarters and the REWE and PENNY regional headquarters. At lunchtime, internal and external experts give insights into the latest sustainability issues – both on a sociopolitical level and in relation to the REWE Group’s commitment. This raises awareness and provides training for colleagues. Furthermore, there are opportunities for exchange.

Continuous training

All relevant purchasers of the REWE Group, including those from REWE Far East (sourcing and procurement office in Asia) and in the non-food area, are introduced to relevant sustainability issues. This includes training sessions on the Code of Conduct, on raw materials such as fish, palm oil, and soy, for which the REWE Group has formulated guidelines and on special topics that concern the REWE Group, such as avoiding environmentally harmful chemicals.

All employees at the headquarters and at the REWE and PENNY stores in Germany have the opportunity to learn more about the topic of sustainability via a continuously updated e-learning tool. Furthermore, the topic of sustainability is integrated into the trainee training sessions of PENNY in Germany and at the headquarters (see section Sustainability in Training).

At the REWE Group in Austria, all new employees from the central divisions and all trainees are given sustainability training at regular intervals. Executives can also find out about the latest trends and developments in different event formats. For example, the topic of sustainability was covered in the quarterly BILLA knowledge academy for existing employees and at all REWE welcome days for new employees.

At toom Baumarkt DIY store, all employees (sales and headquarters) complete an e-learning module that highlights the sales lines’ sustainability ideas. The topic is also continuously integrated into the entire HR Learning & Development offer for employees and trainees.

GRI 404-3: Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews

Talent Management

Systematic career and succession planning (CSP) is an essential cornerstone of the REWE Group’s group-wide talent management. The aim is to develop specialists and executives from within its own ranks: High-performing employees and those with great potential are to be identified early and integrated into the company on a long-term basis. To this end, regular performance and potential assessments, potential conferences, as well as individual development meetings, are conducted in the sales lines and at the headquarters. REWE and PENNY in Germany, toom Baumarkt DIY store and, for the first time in the reporting year, Lekkerland, the headquarters, and some smaller sales lines are connected to the same platform. At DER Touristik CSP is also carried out digitally but on its own platform; at the REWE Group in Austria the assessment process is not yet digital but conducted with SharePoint support.

In each sales line and at headquarters, the CSP process starts with assessing the tasks in the job description. Executives assess the performance of employees based on fulfilment of tasks and competencies from the REWE Group Competence Model. Together with the employees’ self-assessments, these are then discussed by the executive team, in so-called “potential conferences”. This means that executives at a hierarchical level and/or within a division or department discuss the employees directly assigned to them. The aim is to develop common standards for performance and potential, to establish specific and effective development planning, and to create the basis for systematic succession planning.

Potential conferences for the senior management levels and for the management levels anchored below are held annually. For other management or employee levels, potential conferences are held every two years. In annual strategic portfolio discussions, HR partners discuss the potential and development prospects of individual employees with their superiors. The subsequent annual development discussions between immediate superiors and their employees ensure that feedback on task fulfilment, aspects of cooperation, and questions about other personal and professional development issues are discussed, documented, and followed up in a targeted manner.

In 2022, the CSP process was conducted for 32,518 employees and executives in the headquarters and for executives in sales and logistics at PENNY and REWE in Germany, toom Baumarkt DIY store and, for the first time, at Lekkerland (2021: 31,188). At the REWE Group in Austria around 2,765 employees and executives received feedback (2021: 3,000). At REWE in Germany, the development discussion applies not only to executives but to all approximately 78,000 employees in sales. This is also documented in the system. This also applies to PENNY in Germany: The development discussion was made available to the 2,184 employees in sales.