# Artboard 1
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GRI 207


Brief Overview:

The REWE Group believes that tax compliance is a substantial foundation for the general public welfare, for free societies and free markets. The company

  • aims to tax its profits in the countries where the corresponding operational business is carried out and rejects the artificial shifting of profits to so-called tax havens or other low-tax countries;
  • has issued two "Tax Compliance" guidelines for this purpose; one primarily for Germany and a second that essentially applies to all companies domiciled abroad;
  • uses a Tax Compliance Management System to ensure that tax management complies with the rules and thus with the statutory regulations.

GRI 207-1: Approach to tax
GRI 207-2: Tax governance, control, and risk management
GRI 207-3: Stakeholder engagement and management of concerns related to tax

Management Approach


The REWE Group is aware that its business activities have an effect on the topic of taxes and public sector financing. Through tax payments, municipalities and states finance various tasks such as education, public infrastructure, healthcare, social security or internal and external security, which also benefit companies. As a "Good Corporate Citizen", the REWE Group aims to pay taxes in the countries in which it has value-adding operations. This is the only way to enable investments that are necessary to implement the states' political goals – for example, the reduction of social injustice. Taxes also provide opportunities: Positive tax morale can have a positive effect on public opinion.

As a "Good Corporate Citizen", the REWE Group aims to pay taxes in the countries in which it has value-creating operations.


The Chief Financial Officer of the REWE Group and Pro-Data GmbH have issued two "Tax Compliance" guidelines; one primarily for Germany and a second that essentially applies to all companies domiciled abroad.

With its conservative tax strategy, the REWE Group aims to create a simple and tax-efficient structure that enables business operations in all countries. The company pursues a strategy of fully complying with its tax obligations, always in line with the statutory framework and refraining from aggressive tax models.

The company pursues a strategy of fully complying with its tax obligations, always in line with the statutory framework and refraining from aggressive tax models.


The REWE Group aims to pay tax on its profits in the countries in which the corresponding operating business is carried out, while considering local tax laws. The REWE Group rejects the artificial shifting of profits to so-called tax havens or other low-tax countries – for instance via transfer pricing models.

Furthermore, the aim of the REWE Group is to keep the burden of VAT neutral and to reduce profit taxation to the legally permissible minimum. In addition, the REWE Group is committed to a complete and timely declaration. The Group strives for constructive and trustworthy cooperation as well as open and transparent communication with the tax authorities.

Responsibility and Resources

The Executive Board of REWE Group has overall responsibility for the management and control of tax positions and combine-wide compliance with statutory and internal regulations. The Executive Board has mandated Pro-Data GmbH to ensure comprehensive tax compliance at the REWE Group. The Head of Combine Taxes regularly informs Telerik Shishmanov (Member of the Executive Board – Finance) about all substantial tax issues and their impact on the combine's financial figures.


In order to ensure compliance with statutory regulations and to minimise the risk of violations of the rules or to detect them in good time, the REWE Group has implemented a system to ensure that tax management complies with the rules (Tax Compliance Management System, TCMS).

The Tax Compliance Officer (TCO) is responsible for the implementation, monitoring and further development of the TCMS. The monitoring is based on audits by an auditing firm and internal auditing as well as the tax office audit and reports from the tax officers or other employees of the REWE Group. The TCO analyses the reports and initiates appropriate measures, if required – with the aim of eliminating the sources of error in the future or correcting such. Moreover, the TCO may demand that the persons responsible monitor the implementation of the measures.

Involvement of Stakeholders

Stakeholders are informed annually about the measures taken, e.g. in the Sustainability Report. Further tax data are published in the Annual Report of the REWE Group.

Information on the topic of taxes can be submitted by employees, but also by external stakeholders, via the REWE Group's established reporting and grievance mechanisms, see also Compliance.