# Artboard 1
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GRI 2-29

Stakeholder Dialogue

Brief Overview:

The REWE Group promotes the integration of sustainability into its business activities through dialogue with its stakeholders. The company

  • continually seeks direct and personal dialogue with various stakeholder groups in different formats;
  • regularly asks consumers, employees and expert stakeholders about their expectations of the company in materiality analyses;
  • calls on the expert support of the Sustainability Advisory Board – created from the former PRO PLANET Advisory Board – as an important body of the stakeholder dialogue in its development of the sustainability strategy and its activities to make its product range even more sustainable.

As a trade and tourism company with millions of customer contacts every day, the REWE Group is aware of its opportunity and responsibility to integrate sustainability into its business activities. One of the prerequisites for this is the exchange with different stakeholders.

GRI 2-29: Approach to stakeholder engagement

Dialogue With the Key Stakeholder Groups


In implementing its sustainability strategy, the REWE Group engages in intensive dialogue with its stakeholders, which is intended to benefit all persons involved. After all, improvements can only be achieved if all of the stakeholders work towards common objectives.

Responsibility and Resources

In Germany, the institutionalised dialogue with stakeholders and communication with the leading and specialised media are the responsibility of the Corporate Responsibility department and the corresponding specialist and communications departments.


In Germany and Austria, the REWE Group continuously seeks direct and personal exchange with various stakeholder groups in different formats, for example at (digital) events, panel discussions or as part of lectures. These can be smaller topic-specific expert dialogues or large events with several hundred participants. The company has organised its dialogue forums in Germany since 2010.The REWE Group shares its experience in the implementation of sustainability through its experts who speak at and attend these events. A stakeholder forum was also held annually in Austria until 2020. The company plans to hold these again in future.

The REWE Group continually seeks direct and personal dialogue with various stakeholder groups.

The REWE Group also asks consumers, employees and expert stakeholders about their expectations of the company in materiality analyses, most recently at the end of 2020. In this way, the REWE Group can focus its activities even more closely on the needs of its stakeholders (for more information, see section Materiality Analysis).

The relevant stakeholder groups for the REWE Group were defined for the first time as part of the Sustainability Strategy that was established by the company in 2008.Through the intense dialogue, for example the REWE Group dialogue forums, meetings of the Sustainability Advisory Board and stakeholder surveys, the cooperation is regularly readjusted.

The key stakeholder groups with which the company is in dialogue include suppliers, consumers, business partners, political leaders, government authorities, the scientific community and non-governmental organisations (NGOs). This dialogue also extends to the company’s own employees, works council, executives and independent retailers.

In 2015 and 2016, the REWE Group conducted a stakeholder mapping to identify relevant NGOs in the areas of social issues, the environment, consumers, animal welfare, climate protection, conscious nutrition and emergency aid. This mapping remains relevant and is continuously further developed – it then flows into the planning for stakeholder communication.

Stakeholders Type of inclusion
Customers Sustainability campaigns
Point-of-sale activities
Social media
Customer-satisfaction surveys
Market research
Customer service
Online platform utopia.de
Dialogue forums (digital and face-to-face)
Store tours
Employees Dialogue forums (digital and face-to-face)
Works council
Internal communication
Employee survey
Employee participation campaigns
Sustainability lunch
REWE Employee Advisory Board on
Independent retailers Dialogue forums (digital and face-to-face)
Joint projects
Joint committees
Sustainability ambassadors
REWE retailers
Suppliers Dialogue forums (digital and face-to-face)
Communication of guidelines
Joint projects
Supplier platform for climate targets
Sustainability assessment and supplier rating platform EcoVadis
Business partners Communication of guidelines
Political leaders Dialogue forums (digital and face-to-face)
Continuous dialogue
Memberships of associations
Offices in Berlin and Brussels
NGOs Dialogue forums (digital and face-to-face)
Continuous dialogue
Sustainability Advisory Board
Strategic partnerships
Joint projects
Answering surveys
Science Dialogue forums (digital and face-to-face)
Cooperation with universities
Conducting studies
Media Dialogue forums (digital and face-to-face)
Answering questions from journalists
Influencer relations (including visits to producers)

An important body of the stakeholder dialogue is the Sustainability Advisory Board. This board provides expert support to the REWE Group as the company further develops its sustainability strategy to make its product range even more sustainable. The board assists with communications questions as well. The board was created from the former PRO PLANET Advisory Board, whose role was expanded in 2019.The board now works together with the REWE Group on the development, assessment and implementation of all sustainability-related objectives and measures of the pillar Green Products for the REWE and PENNY sales lines in Germany as well as toom Baumarkt DIY stores. The board faces the company with the sustainability-related demands of the scientific community and NGOs. At the same time, it acts as a provider of ideas, co-developer and communications partner of the REWE Group. The advisory board also shares its subject-matter expertise and draws on its networks. In the process, it serves as a catalyst for internal and, when necessary, external discussions. Each board member has been assigned a special issue to cover (for more information, see section PRO PLANET).

Members of the Sustainability Advisory Board:

  • Abel, Georg (Die VERBRAUCHER INITIATIVE e. V.), Advisory Board Expert on Consumers
  • Geier, Bernward (COLABORA), Advisory Board Expert on Organic Products
  • Hütz-Adams, Friedel (SÜDWIND e. V.), Advisory Board Expert for the area of action “People”
  • Klöckner, Kristian (NABU Bundesverband e. V.), Advisory Board Expert for the area of action “Environment”
  • Pöpken, Stefanie (independent expert for animal welfare in animal husbandry), Advisory Board Expert for the area of action “Animals”

An important body of the stakeholder dialogue is the Sustainability Advisory Board. This board provides expert support to the REWE Group as the company further develops its sustainability strategy to make its product range even more sustainable. The board assists with communications questions as well.

The REWE Group also maintains dialogue with customers. The sales lines assume responsibility for communicating with customers about the issue of sustainability, informing them for example in campaigns. In doing so, they raise consumer awareness of sustainability as well as eco-friendly and socially-responsible products so that consumers can make informed purchasing decisions (for more information see section Promoting Sustainable Consumption).

In addition, the employees of the REWE Group are informed, made aware of and excited about sustainability, as they are the interface with customers and suppliers and are therefore – as important contact persons for sustainability questions – a vital factor in sustainability communication.

The REWE Group in Austria is also involved in various sustainability initiatives in which it maintains regular dialogue with stakeholders from different fields and industries. In order to better understand the expectations and needs of the stakeholders, the REWE Group in Austria also regularly conducts representative surveys and studies. Detailed surveys are conducted on material topics.


In the following, the relevant stakeholder dialogue activities of the REWE Group are presented, sorted thematically by:

Communication with stakeholders

Dialogue forum 2022 – Focus on climate protection

In the dialogue forum held in a hybrid format in April 2022, the focus was on global warming and species extinction as the two greatest current environmental crises. Professor Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, Climate Researcher and Director Emeritus of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, called in his keynote speech to 150 invited guests and a further 300 online guests for much greater determination in tackling climate protection. Chief Executive Officer of the REWE Group Lionel Souque affirmed the importance of the topic. REWE assumes responsibility in this respect and supports the NABU climate fund for the rewetting of peatlands (see the following section “Strategic partnership with NABU”) in the amount of 25 million euros in total until 2025.

Strategic partnership with NABU Highlight

In 2015, the REWE Group entered into a strategic partnership with NABU, intensifying the cooperation that has existed since 2009. As part of this effort, the joint project work being conducted in the area of biodiversity and PRO PLANET was expanded and an agreement was reached to collaborate on such issues as protection of the seas, packaging, conservation of resources and the fostering of biodiversity.

In working groups and strategy workshops, NABU and the REWE Group developed roadmaps in order to jointly achieve the defined sustainability goals. An essential part of the partnership is the constructive and critical exchange at working level as well as at the level of the Executive Board and President of REWE Group and NABU. NABU is both an important catalyst for the further development of the sustainability strategy and a long-term partner in the implementation of projects.

In 2020, the REWE sales line joined the NABU project “Gemeinsam Boden gut machen” (Make up Ground Together) as a partner. The project provides support to farmers who intend to switch to organic farming or to expand their existing organic farm. Starting in early 2022, REWE will pay five million euros annually for five years into the newly established NABU climate fund. The fund purchases or leases former wetlands and wet meadows – with a focus on areas in Germany and the EU – that were dewatered or degraded in the past for the purpose of agriculture or peat extraction. The objective of the project is to re-irrigate these areas so that they can be restored to their original function as carbon sinks and habitats for many animal and plant species. In addition, farms will be assisted as they switch from conventional farming methods to a more climate-friendly wet-meadow management (for more information see section Biodiversity and Climate Protection in the Supply Chain).

Establishment of the Competence Centre for Agriculture Highlight

The REWE Group is the first food retailer in Germany to establish a Competence Centre for Agriculture. Together with farmers, agricultural science experts, practitioners, individuals from the processing industry and the REWE Group, pioneering projects will be developed to help shape a sustainable transformation of German agriculture – away from the established structures and narrow confines of industry solutions. The new dialogue format will be coordinated by the Agriculture staff department created for this purpose in close cooperation with an internal steering committee made up of retailers and employees of the REWE Group in order to turn ideas into actual products. The establishment of the centre was communicated on 18 January 2023.

German Sustainability Award

The REWE Group has also been a partner of the German Sustainability Award and Day since 2011. As part of this cooperation, to promote packaging ideas for the future, the Special Award for Packaging (Sonderpreis Verpackung) was initiated in 2019. The event was held for the 15th time in December 2022.

YouTopia charity livestream event with the REWE Group

YouTopia is a live four-day multi-channel event where dedicated top influencers, with guests from the worlds of media, politics, science and culture, aim to draw attention to climate change, species and environmental protection and sustainability. The event was held for the third time in September 2022. Guests included Ricarda Lang (Federal Chairwoman of Die Grünen political party), Lars Klingbeil (Federal Chairman of the SPD political party), cabaret artist Eckart von Hirschhausen, presenter Jeannine Michaelsen and author Laura Karasek. In the panel discussions, topics such as organic farming and the protection of the wetlands, which are promoted by REWE in cooperation with NABU Germany, were discussed.

Communication with customers and employees

The REWE Employee Advisory Board on Sustainability

To foster the discussion about sustainability among the workforce, the REWE sales line created the REWE Employee Advisory Board on Sustainability in 2020. Employees representing the regions, stores and the (regional) head offices meet twice a year to promote various sustainability issues within the company. The board met for the fifth time in March 2023.

Climate Challenge Highlight

In autumn 2022, many employees from all sales lines took on the Climate Challenge. The challenge was: “Bet that we can collectively manage to save 20,000 kg of CO2 equivalents?” They even managed to beat this target. By not using their cars, eating climate-friendly vegan food or turning off household appliances to save electricity, the participants managed to reduce their CO2 emissions by 21,940 kg in total. Donations for the challenge totalled 1,097 euros, which the REWE Group rounded up to a donation of 1,500 euros. The amount was invested in the NABU climate fund, which promotes the rewetting of wetlands.

REWE Sustainability Ambassadors

The active integration of independent REWE retailers also plays a special role: These individuals attend various coordination meetings. Their ideas and experience flow into the relevant decisions toom Baumarkt DIY stores has established Sustainability Ambassadors in its stores, ensuring that the issue is positioned and communicated appropriately throughout Germany. They play an important multiplier role and are also the central contact persons for employees in the stores with regard to sustainability.

toom Baumarkt DIY stores Sustainability Ambassadors

toom Baumarkt DIY stores has established Sustainability Ambassadors in its stores, ensuring that the issue is positioned and communicated appropriately throughout Germany. They play an important multiplier role and are also the central contact persons for employees in the stores with regard to sustainability.

E-learning tool

All employees of REWE and PENNY stores in Germany as well as staff of the REWE Group’s headquarters can learn about sustainability using an e-learning tool. The e-learning programme also provides employees in the stores and headquarters of toom Baumarkt DIY stores with information about the relevant sustainability issues based on the four sustainability pillars.

#umdenkbar (#rethinkable) – Sustainability at REWE

As part of the #umdenkbar (#rethinkable) campaign, which has been promoting all of REWE’s sustainability activities in Germany since mid-2022, (for more information see section Promoting Sustainable Consumption), the sales line provides its customers with an incentive to join in with protecting the climate and to make their individual contribution. If they buy a REWE Bio or REWE Beste Wahl product, a predefined amount is donated to the NABU climate fund.

Nature conservation with the foundation “Blühendes Österreich” (Blooming Austria)

The REWE Group in Austria supports the Citizen Science project “Schmetterlinge Österreichs” (Butterflies of Austria) via its cooperation with the Blooming Austria foundation It is one of the largest nature observation projects in the German-speaking world. To date, almost 24,000 volunteers have monitored, photographed and reported more than 730,000 butterflies. Apart from protecting areas of high environmental quality, raising awareness is an important part of Blooming Austria’s work. BILLA and REWE International ensure the initiative receives wide coverage by communicating regularly about it through their channels such as customer magazines, newsletters and social media. For more information see Biodiversity.