# Artboard 1
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Focus Raw Materials – Food

Brief Overview:

The REWE Group aims to make its supply chains more socially and ecologically compatible. Therefore

  • requirements on ecological and social issues are specified in the guidelines and in the PRO PLANET process and clear objectives are defined;
  • the REWE Groups is working increasingly with suppliers to address the ecological and human rights risks in the supply chains, which can be found in particular in the cultivation and processing of raw materials;
  • external audits and internationally recognised certification standards are used for the individual focus raw materials in the food sector.

For REWE and PENNY in Germany, the critical raw materials in the food sector are assigned to the three areas of action People, Animals and Environment within the Green Products 2030 Strategy. Within these areas of action, effective measures were developed to reduce and improve ecological and social impacts.

GRI FP1: Share of purchasing volume which was procured in accordance with the Corporate Guidelines

Management Approach


The REWE Group is aware that its business activities as a leading international trade and tourism company may have a wide range of impacts on people, animals and the environment. In the supply chain stages of raw material cultivation and processing for the company's private label products, the ecological challenges are particularly high – as is the risk of labour and social standards being disregarded. In order to counter this risk, the REWE Group is working more closely with its suppliers.


With its Guideline on Sustainable Business Practices the REWE Group formulates the principles of its business relationships. In the area of ecology, this includes the careful use of resources such as soil, air, water and natural raw materials, the protection and preservation of natural ecosystems and biodiversity, and the avoidance and reduction of environmental risks.

Moreover, the Guideline on Sustainable Business Practices is based notably on the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the UN Global Compact. It includes, among other things, the prohibition of forced labour or exploitative child labour. In the event of deliberate gross disregard of the values set out in the guideline, the REWE Group reserves the right to impose sanctions. The company specifies requirements on ecological and social issues in its Guidelines as well as in the PRO PLANET process for various sales lines.

Moreover, in October 2022 the Supplier Code of Conduct of the REWE Group for the compliance with its corporate due diligence in the supply chain was updated. It applies as of 1 January 2023 and outlines the minimum standards that suppliers must observe and comply with when doing business with companies of the REWE Group. According to this, suppliers must, for example, be able to prove the origin of the raw materials used all the way back to their source. The Supplier CoC also takes into account the requirements of the German Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains (LkSG, in force since 01 January 2023). Within the framework of the law, the REWE Group also prepared the required Declaration of Principles in the reporting period, which shows its strategy for respecting human rights and environmental concerns. The REWE Group specifically addresses the risks that arise in the supply chain with regard to the areas of action People and Environment through systematic supply chain management. This is characterised by close cooperation with suppliers and commitment at the production site and raw material production level, especially through its local procurement companies. Risks to human and environmental rights are already taken into account in the selection of suppliers, by the REWE Group attaching particular importance to the purchase of certified products.

Responsibility and Resources

At REWE and PENNY in Germany, the Sustainable Goods Department is responsible for implementing strategies and measures for the individual focus raw materials together with Purchasing and Category Management. At toom Baumarkt DIY store, this is managed by a specialist department in the purchasing area with toom Purchasing and also Category Management. At the REWE Group in Austria, these are the Category Management Purchasing, Private Labels and Sustainability departments, at Lekkerland the Quality Management and Corporate Responsibility departments. Within these departments, the topics are worked on and driven forward by selected teams or specialists. For more information, please refer to Management Approach Green Products.


As part of a Product-Related Risk Analysis for the supply chains of private label products sold at REWE and PENNY in Germany, the REWE Group identified the following critical raw materials in the food sector: fruit and vegetables, including high-risk crops such as bananas, meat and dairy products, including animal feed, as well as coffee, cocoa, juices (formerly orange juice), tea, palm oil and fish (for more information on selected supply chains for individual focus raw materials see Supply Chain).

The REWE Group is continuously working on taking social and ecological factors as well as aspects of animal welfare into account in its supply chains. In doing so, the business units rely, among other things, on internationally recognised certification standards, work together with industry initiatives and carry out own projects (for more information on the REWE Group's involvement in organisations and initiatives, see section Initiatives and Memberships).

The REWE Group is continuously working on taking social and ecological factors as well as aspects of animal welfare into account in its supply chains. In doing so, the business units rely, among other things, on internationally recognised certification standards.

The approaches for the individual critical raw materials are presented below:

Fruit and Vegetables

In general, the REWE Group's purchasing policy for fruit and vegetables is that regional procurement from local farms always has priority. Some fruit and vegetables also come from Spain, Italy or the Netherlands; specialities and exotics, for example, are also imported from South and Central America. The production of fruit and vegetables can pose human rights risks in the supply chains. Since 2013, REWE and PENNY in Germany as well as the REWE Group in Austria have therefore required in their framework agreement that suppliers of primary agricultural products in the fruit and vegetable sector commit to complying with the core labour standards of the International Labour Organization (ILO) - within the framework of the respective applicable national legislation. This includes the lawful payment of at least the applicable statutory, collectively or contractually agreed wage. Suppliers must be able to demonstrate both requirements. They are also responsible for ensuring that these requirements are also met by their suppliers. All producers of fruit and vegetable products must ensure compliance in accordance with the above requirements through external audits (for example, GLOBALG.A.P. Risk Assessment on Social Practice (GRASP), SA8000, Rainforest Alliance or amfori BSCI). This is reviewed on a risk basis as part of social compliance monitoring.

The production of fruit and vegetables can also result in increased water use or water pollution, with impacts on biodiversity. In addition to the social aspects in fruit and vegetable production, the REWE Group is therefore committed to reducing the ecological impact for REWE and PENNY in Germany. This includes the promotion of biodiversity through specific projects, for example in fruit and vegetable cultivation in Germany, guidelines on the use of pesticides and close cooperation with standards such as GLOBALG.A.P., Rainforest Alliance or Fairtrade. The focus is primarily on critical raw materials such as bananas and pineapples. At the REWE Group in Austria, all fruit and vegetable products have been subject to the strict criteria of the Pesticide Reduction Programme (PRP) of the environmental organisation GLOBAL 2000 since 2003.

Shares of Conventional Bananas and Pineapples from Rainforest Alliance-Certified Cultivation

2020 2021 2022 Status
Bananas 100 % 100 % 100 %
Pineapples 100 % 100 % 100 %
Implementation in progress
Target achieved
Not available
Target not achieved

Scope: REWE and PENNY in Germany.

For further information, specifically regarding challenges and commitment of the REWE Group to the raw material bananas, see raw material supply chain Bananas.

More sustainable supply chains for bananas and pineapples Highlight

The cultivation of bananas and pineapples can have negative social and ecological impacts in the producing countries. These include poor working conditions on orchards, high use of pesticides and damage to ecosystems.

For this reason, the REWE Group has been committed to improving the ecological and social conditions in banana and pineapple cultivation in Central America since 2008. From 2013 to 2022, the REWE Group Central America Fund – formerly also known as the Banana Fund – provided a project volume of more than 5 million euros. The fund, which expires in 2023, is aimed at local organisations that can apply for funding with their project ideas through tenders. The aim is to improve the living conditions of the workers and their families as well as the ecological situation of the banana and pineapple plantations. At the same time, local organisations and communities are to be strengthened in the planning and implementation of projects. The German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) is responsible for coordinating the project applications and monitors the implementation of the projects on site.

In addition, the REWE Group is campaigning for living wages and incomes in the banana sector as part of a working group under the umbrella of the Initiative for Sustainable Agricultural Supply Chains (see Living Wages and Incomes).

The commitment is complemented by strict requirements for cultivation. For example, all producers of bananas and pineapples that are offered in the REWE Group’s sales lines in Germany must meet organic standards or be certified by Rainforest Alliance. In addition, the bananas and pineapples of the REWE Beste Wahl private label, the pineapples at PENNY and the Chiquita bananas bear the PRO PLANET label. PENNY also sells Fairtrade organic bananas.

Using a QR code, customers can trace the majority of private label bananas and pineapples at REWE and PENNY in Germany back to the producer (see Promoting Sustainable Consumption).

Palm Oil

Increasing palm oil cultivation results in a loss of peat swamp and rain forests. As a result, the local population is often deprived of its livelihood and valuable habitats of animal and plant species are lost. In addition, the clearing of rainforests releases large amounts of CO2. Against this background, in July 2021, the updated Guideline on Palm Oil and Palm Kernel Oil Products formulated the objective of using only palm oil from more sustainable production for all private label products containing palm (kernel) oil that are sold in Germany and Austria. To this end, specific requirements for the purchase of certified palm oil products were formulated in line with the different supply chain models. To ensure that this is the case, the REWE Group relies primarily on the certification standard laid down by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), of which it has been a member since 2011. REWE and PENNY in Germany have been using 100 per cent certified palm oil for around a decade. The REWE Group in Austria has also been sourcing exclusively certified palm oil since 2014 and has dispensed with palm oil completely for the Ja! Natürlich brand since 2018. Since the merger with the REWE Group in 2020, the Lekkerland sales line has used only certified palm oil in its private labels.

Shares of Private Label Products with Certified Palm (Kernel) Oil Products

2020 2021 2022 Status
RSPO-certified palm (kernel) oil in private label products at REWE and PENNY in Germany 100 % 100 % 100 %
RSPO-certified palm (kernel) oil in private label products (Austria) 100 % 100 % 100 %
RSPO-certified palm (kernel) oil in private label products (Lekkerland) 100 % 100 % 100 %
Implementation in progress
Target achieved
Not available
Target not achieved
Scope: Private label products of the respective sales lines

Membership in the Forum for Sustainable Palm Oil

The objectives of the guideline are also part of a voluntary commitment that the company signed as a member of the Forum for Sustainable Palm Oil (FONAP) in 2015: to use only certified sustainable palm oil, palm kernel oil and their derivatives and fractions in its private label products sold at REWE and PENNY in Germany. These ambitious objectives of the voluntary commitment are to ensure the traceability of the palm oil used according to defined additional criteria in the long term. This also includes sourcing palm kernel oil and palm oil, among other things, through the demanding Segregation trading model, in which RSPO-certified goods are consistently separated from non-certified goods throughout the entire supply chain. Taking into account the individual target for each palm (kernel) oil product, REWE and PENNY in Germany achieved an overall fulfilment level of 99 per cent with all private label products in 2022 (2021: 99 per cent). To achieve the ambitious objectives of the voluntary commitment, the two sales lines are working with their suppliers to reach the last one per cent. The requirements are particularly challenging for smaller suppliers with complex supply chain structures. Individual suppliers, for example, were only able to gradually convert to the Segregation trading model, as the establishment of separate flows of goods is very costly. This applies in particular if a supplier converts only a small amount of its total production.

At the REWE Group in Austria, all palm oil and palm kernel oil used in private label products is also RSPO-certified and, with a few exceptions, is purchased via the Segregation trading model.


Much of the world's raw cocoa production comes from West Africa, mainly from small family-owned farms. The cocoa farmers there have to struggle with difficult economic conditions and often live with their families below the poverty line. As a result, there is a lack of necessary investment funds, and poor working conditions often prevail. This goes as far as exploitative forms of child labour (for more information see section Child and Forced Labour as well as Child Protection).

In its Guideline on Cocoa Products , the REWE Group formulated the objective of sourcing all raw cocoa used for its private labels at REWE and PENNY in Germany from more sustainable production structures by the end of 2015 – ensured by the use of the Fairtrade, Fairtrade Sourcing Program, Rainforest Alliance, Naturland and EU organic standards. By the end of the reporting year 2022, 99 per cent (2021: 99) certified raw cocoa was used for the private labels of REWE and PENNY in Germany. The missing one per cent are mainly suppliers who process very small quantities of cocoa, as they often have difficulties sourcing certified cocoa. For this reason, the REWE Group was unable to achieve its complementary objective of closing the gap to the 100 per cent target for REWE and PENNY private labels in Germany by the end of 2020. The REWE Group is continuing to work on it. At the REWE Group in Austria, the entire raw cocoa volume for the private labels was certified in 2021. Lekkerland also only uses certified cocoa in its private label products in accordance with requirements of Rainforest Alliance and Fairtrade.

In order to make a lasting contribution to improving local living conditions in the cocoa sector, at the end of 2020, the REWE Group completely switched to Fairtrade or the Fairtrade Cocoa Programme for chocolate products as well as instant chocolate milk, chocolate nut spreads and pastries of the private labels at REWE and PENNY in Germany. The same applies to all organic private labels with cocoa ingredients at REWE and PENNY in Germany. These were additionally certified according to a social standard2.

Shares of Certified Cocoa in Private Label Products

2020 2021 2022 Status
Cocoa-containing private label products at REWE and PENNY in Germany certified in accordance with Fairtrade, Fairtrade Sourcing Program, Rainforest Alliance, Naturland and EU organic 98 % 99 % 99 %
Cocoa-containing private label products in Austria certified in accordance with Fairtrade, Fairtrade Sourcing Program and Rainforest Alliance 100 % 100 % 100 %
Fairtrade-certified chocolate products and pastries1 for REWE’s and PENNY’s private labels in Germany 100 % 100 % 100 %
Implementation in progress
Target achieved
Not available
Target not achieved
Scope: Private label products of the respective sales lines
These articles comprise the product groups chocolate bars, pralines, Easter and Christmas sweets. Chocolate nut spreads and instant chocolate milk cannot be assessed automatically as part of this survey, which is why these products do not fall within the reporting scope.

For further information, specifically regarding challenges and commitment of the REWE Group to the raw material cocoa, see raw material supply chain Cocoa.

Very Fair chocolate bars for living wages

In cooperation with the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development as well as the Fairtrade organisation, the REWE Group launched a project for living wages in the cocoa sector: The Fairtrade chocolate bars from this project have been sold at REWE and PENNY in Germany since mid-2021. The cocoa beans for the cocoa mass from which these chocolates are made are fully traceable (for more information see section Living Wages and Incomes).

Improving the living conditions in Côte d’Ivoire Highlight

As a founding member of the multi-stakeholder initiative "Forum Nachhaltiger Kakao" (German Initiative on Sustainable Cocoa), the REWE Group has been supporting the PRO-PLANTEURS project since 2012, which is carried out in cooperation with the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ). Among other things, it aims to improve the living conditions of 30,000 cocoa farming families in the Republic of Côte d‘Ivoire, especially those of women and children, through training in farm management or plant protection and by promoting exchange among them. In the first phase of the project from 2015 to 2020, 18,000 cocoa farmers were trained in good agricultural practices. The follow-up phase will run until 2025.


Many of the processed fruits and juice products (mixed juices and nectars) come from tropical and subtropical regions. There, but also in Europe, cultivation in monocultures, clearing for the plantations and a high use of energy, pesticides and fertilisers have a negative impact on the environment and biodiversity. Especially in tropical and subtropical countries the living and working conditions for smallholder families or pickers are often precarious or even dangerous. There are violations of human rights, such as child and forced labour, non-living wages or a lack of occupational health and safety. Such violations can also occur in Europe.

In its Guideline on Juices , which was revised in 2022, the REWE Group formulated the objective that 50 per cent of all private label juices, nectars and fruit juice drinks at REWE and PENNY in Germany (excluding promotional, seasonal and regional products) are to be certified in accordance with Rainforest Alliance, Fairtrade, Naturland, organic, SAI FSA bronze/silver/gold, GLOBALG.A.P. The REWE Group’s objective of converting its direct orange juice and orange juice for REWE and PENNY in Germany to products that are certified in accordance with Rainforest Alliance or organic by the end of 2025 was already achieved in 2020. Since the end of 2018, only certified pineapple juice has been available at REWE and PENNY in Germany.

Partnership for Sustainable Orange Juice Highlight

In 2020, the REWE Group co-founded the Partnership for Sustainable Orange Juice (PANAO). This is financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and organised by the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ). Current members include beckers bester, the Christian Initiative Romero, Fairtrade Germany, Kaufland, Rainforest Alliance, the Sustainable Agriculture Network, the international education organisation TIE and ver.di. As a member of the steering committee, the REWE Group is committed to actively promoting social justice and labour rights as well as environmental protection in the orange juice supply chain.

More sustainable cultivation in the defined risk countries

Through cooperation with standard organisations and certification systems, the REWE Group ensures that resources are cultivated more sustainably in the defined risk countries.

In Europe‘s largest apple-growing region in Poland, for example, the company is working with the PRO PLANET apple project to create more biodiversity by planting flower strips and setting up insect hotels (see Biodiversity).

The REWE Group and its project partner Fairtrade are also involved in this topic, among others, in the Brazilian citrus belt. 403 farmers, workers or technical consultants employed in four Fairtrade cooperatives receive on-site training on more sustainable cultivation practices, improving health and safety conditions and strengthening organisational structures for more self-determination. Other parts of the project include integrated pest control, disease management of trees and soil protection. As part of the project, products were developed in the REWE and PENNY sales lines in Germany for the Paradiso and REWE Beste Wahl private labels, making this commitment traceable from origin to shelf.

Promoting living wages with the Sustainable Juice Platform

As a member of the European Sustainable Juice Platform, the REWE Group has been committed to social and ecological improvements in the supply chains of the fruit juice industry since 2016. Being a member of the working group for living wages and incomes in the orange juice sector in Brazil, the company is currently working actively with other retailers and further supply chain stakeholders to improve the local wage situation.

Certified orange juice for hotels at DER Touristik

In the own hotel brands of DER Touristik, 90 per cent of the fruit juices (orange juices) offered in European destinations are Rainforest Alliance or Fairtrade certified.


The cultivation of coffee as a globally traded good is an important economic sector in many countries in Latin America, Asia and Africa. However, the yields of the mostly smallholders are often too low to ensure a sufficient income for the coffee farmers and their families. In addition, there are health and ecological risks due to the improper use of pesticides. In order to improve the situation of coffee farmers, the Guideline on Coffee formulated the objective of converting all coffee products of the private labels of REWE and PENNY in Germany to 100 per cent Rainforest Alliance, organic or Fairtrade certified coffee by 2020. This was achieved in 2020.

With its private label coffee, Lekkerland also contributes to sustainable cultivation: The coffee beans of the Coffee Bean Company private label are Rainforest Alliance certified and thus stand for environmentally friendly land use and socially responsible business practices.

Shares of Certified Private Label Coffee

2020 2021 2022 Status
Coffee products certified in accordance with Rainforest Alliance, organic or Fairtrade 100 % 100 % 100 %
Implementation in progress
Target achieved
Not available
Target not achieved
Scope: Private label products at REWE and PENNY in Germany.

Cooperatives: promotion of coffee farmers in Peru Highlight

Since 2009, REWE has had a special partnership with the Fairtrade coffee cooperative Valle de Incahuasi in Peru, guaranteeing the purchase of the coffee produced there. The cooperative produces REWE Feine Welt coffee, which is certified according to Fairtrade and organic standards. The plants are cultivated in a controlled organic way to reduce the impact on the sensitive ecosystem. After the harvest, the cooperative conducts tastings of the beans and, following appropriate controls, the beans are transported in vans to the next largest city, Andahuaylas. From there they are transported to Lima and shipped, to be finally roasted in the Ruhr area.

Together with the cooperative, REWE successfully implemented a project from 2018 to 2021 to counteract climate change and increase the farmers’ incomes. The cooperation will continue. The cooperative will benefit from the measures and activities in this project in the coming years, for example from the improved fertiliser management, the planting of shade trees or the cultivation of a fungus for biological pest control.

At the beginning of 2021, the commitment in Peru was also extended to the Valle de Ubiriki cooperative - for more economic participation and independence for coffee farmers. With REWE Bio Caffè Crema Pads, the REWE sales line in Germany is offering coffee grown exclusively by women for the first time: The Arabica beans, Fairtrade certified and organically grown, come from coffee gardens in the Chanchamayo region, which are managed and owned by 120 women. The sales line guarantees the women the purchase of their annual production at Fairtrade minimum prices. The “Café Mujer” project, which was also launched, aims to provide holistic support for women. This includes building facilities to produce organic fertiliser and planting native trees in the coffee gardens - their shade inhibits weed growth, increases soil fertility, preserves biodiversity on the land and the yields from the trees provide an additional source of income. In addition, workshops are organised, for example on post-harvest treatment of coffee beans and other agricultural practices, and on promoting female farmers in skills such as team leadership, self-confidence or communication.


The conventional cultivation of tea plants is often done in monocultures and with a high use of pesticides. This threatens biodiversity and the drinking water supply for people in the cultivation areas. Local workers are also face challenges such as low wages, inadequate health protection and a lack of occupational safety. This is why REWE and PENNY in Germany promote more sustainable agriculture in tea production and purchase certified goods primarily bearing the Rainforest Alliance label, but also the Fairtrade label and the EU organic logo.

In 2018, the REWE Group achieved its objective that all black and green tea products of the private labels of REWE and PENNY in Germany should contain 100 per cent certified raw materials. In addition, all herbal and fruit tea products (including rooibos tea) of the private labels of REWE and PENNY in Germany are to be certified by the end of 2025 and contain at least 30 per cent certified raw materials. The long-term objective is to continuously increase the share of certified raw materials per tea product. These objectives, as well as challenges and measures are summarised in the Guideline on Tea Products.

Shares of Certified Tea Products/Raw Materials in the Private Labels of REWE and PENNY in Germany

2020 2021 2022 Status
Black and green tea certified in accordance with Rainforest Alliance, organic or Fairtrade 100 % 100 % 100 %
Herbal and fruit tea products certified in accordance with Rainforest Alliance, Fairtrade or organic 93 % 93 % 96 %
Implementation in progress
Target achieved
Not available
Target not achieved

Scope: Private label products at REWE and PENNY in Germany.


Global fish consumption is steadily increasing, and fishing and aquaculture provide a livelihood for millions of people. The downside: Fish stocks suffer from overfishing, and some species are even at risk of extinction. Unwanted bycatch can lead to loss of biodiversity and changes in the composition of marine ecosystems. Aquaculture also faces many ecological problems.

The REWE Group aims to actively contribute to the reduction and elimination of negative ecological, social and economic impacts in the fish and seafood supply chain. To this end, the company has formulated the following objectives for REWE's and PENNY's private label products in Germany in its Guideline on Fish and Seafood, which was updated in 2022: 100 per cent private label fish products in the areas of frozen food, convenience, fresh produce and canned food in Germany certified in accordance with Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), GLOBALG.A.P., Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) or organic certification, if available. Particularly when purchasing MSC-certified goods, the REWE Group is dependent on the agreements of the riparian states regarding catch quotas. Thus, certification can be withdrawn repeatedly for individual fish species. This was the case in the reporting year: In 2022, there was a reduction in the level of objective achievement due to a lack of certified goods or the loss of certifications. For this reason, the REWE Group is committed to political agreements.

Furthermore, the aim is that all fish mono-products of the private labels at REWE and PENNY in Germany, i.e. fish products containing only one type of fish, will have tracking codes on the packaging in the long term, which will provide customers with detailed information on the origin and processing of the fish. This does not apply to the areas of convenience, snacks and ready meals. After a lower value in 2021, resulting from an error due to which the tracking code was not shown on all intended products in 2020, the resulting gap closed and improved in 2022.

The product range of the REWE Group in Austria private labels and industrial labels includes 271 MSC-certified and 71 ASC-certified fish products. Since 2019, private label fish and seafood have come exclusively from more sustainable fisheries.

Shares of More Sustainable Private Label Fish Products at REWE and PENNY in Germany

2020 2021 2022 Status
Fish products certified in accordance with MSC, GLOBALG.A.P., ASC or organic standards 70 % 88 % 86 %
Share of fish products with tracking code1 63 % 84 % 96 %
Implementation in progress
Target achieved
Not available
Target not achieved
Fish products containing only one type of fish and excluding convenience, snacks and ready meals.


Meat is a firmly established part of present-day dietary habits. Thus, the production of animal products is an essential part in agricultural production. Livestock farming in Germany is frequently characterised by a high degree of efficiency and business-oriented thinking which prioritises maximum animal output. This can have a negative impact on the animals. On the other hand, there is a social awareness of the living conditions of animals in livestock farming and the desire of consumers for more animal welfare. The REWE Group aims to reconcile this and is committed to animal-friendly husbandry. To this end, the company works together with business partners and suppliers to implement binding standards and promotes dialogue between all partners. As an additional approach, REWE and PENNY in Germany as well as the sales lines in Austria also offer vegan private labels, for example, to accompany the dynamic trend of vegan nutrition. In the Guideline on Animal Welfare, updated in 2022, the company lays down concrete measures and objectives for products of animal origin of the REWE Group's private labels sold at REWE and PENNY in Germany. For more information and a comprehensive insight into the strategic approach as well as the concrete objectives and measures, see Animal Welfare.

Soy in Animal Feed

In conventional livestock farming, soy meal imported from overseas is often used to provide animals with sufficient protein. As land-intensive soy cultivation has a drastic impact on the environment, especially in South America, REWE and PENNY in Germany are continuously analysing all supply chains with high soy consumption. The aim is to gradually reduce the amount of soy meal imported from overseas and – where there is no substitute – a switch to certified deforestation-free soy. This was already laid down in 2013 in the Guideline on Soy in Animal Feed for private label products of animal origin sold at REWE and PENNY in Germany.

Since the end of 2019, the REWE and PENNY private label range of fresh eggs, drinking milk and fresh poultry sold in Germany has been certified deforestation-free and in major parts also physically deforestation-free. Since the end of 2021, the soy feed for the private label range of fresh pork and beef has also been certified deforestation-free. In addition, the company set itself a new target for the private labels in 2021: 100 per cent certified deforestation-free soy feed for dairy products and processed meat products with a meat content of over 50 per cent by the end of 2025. The focus is on the avoidance of soy, domestic legumes, European soy, low-risk countries of origin and certification by the recognised standards Pro Terra, ISCC+, Donau Soja/Europe Soya and RTRS.

Deforestation-free soy with the Donau Soja Association

As a founding member of the Donau Soja Association, the REWE Group has been able to promote the cultivation of over 93,000 tonnes of certified deforestation-free soy in Croatia and Serbia in cooperation with more than 250 farmers since 2015.

The soy meal imported from overseas often comes from genetically modified varieties. The Guideline on Soy in Animal Feed therefore defines that soy must be GMO-free as a requirement for producers of private label products sold at REWE and PENNY in Germany. This requirement is implemented individually for each livestock species.

In Germany, GMO-free feeding can be certified by the seal of the German Association Food without Genetic Engineering (Verband Lebensmittel ohne Gentechnik e. V., VLOG). The VLOG standard is proven by the corresponding certificates of the suppliers.

As in 2020 and 2021, the share of private label products from REWE and PENNY in Germany with the VLOG seal was 100 per cent for fresh poultry, the fresh egg range and fresh and UHT milk in 2022. In addition, feeding with GMO-free animal feed is ensured for all meat products of husbandry system standards 3 and 4. Likewise, organic products of animal origin do not use feed that has been modified by genetic engineering.

At the sales lines of the REWE Group International in Austria, the entire fresh egg and fresh milk range comes from GMO-free feeding.

Shares of Products with the Seal of the German Association Food without Genetic Engineering (VLOG) or organic certification

2020 2021 2022 Status
Fresh milk and UHT milk 100 % 100 % 100 %
Fresh egg range 100 % 100 % 100 %
Fresh poultry 100 % 100 % 100 %
Implementation in progress
Target achieved
Not available
Target not achieved
Scope: Private label products at REWE and PENNY in Germany

For further information, specifically regarding challenges and commitment of the REWE Group to the raw material soy in animal feed, see raw material supply chain Soy.