# Artboard 1
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GRI 2-28

Initiatives and Memberships

Brief Overview:

The REWE Group believes that many sustainability challenges can only be met in collaboration with other stakeholders. The company

  • aims to integrate as many stakeholders as possible with multi-stakeholder efforts and jointly find approaches that will have a positive long-term impact;
  • supports a wide range of initiatives and organisations involved in sustainable acting, environmental and animal protection, conscious nutrition and social issues.

The REWE Group was a pioneer in moving sustainability out of the niche to the heart of society. In order to further promote and establish sustainability, the company shares experience and works with strong partners.

GRI 2-28: Membership of Associations and Interest Groups

Cooperation and Exchange of Experience

The REWE Group initiates and is involved in a large number of industry initiatives. The company aims to integrate as many stakeholders as possible into these multi-stakeholder efforts through collaboration and sharing of experience and jointly find approaches that will have a positive long-term impact. This is the only way to meet many sustainability challenges.

The company aims to integrate as many stakeholders as possible into multi-stakeholder efforts through collaboration and sharing of experience and jointly find approaches that will have a positive long-term impact.

The REWE Group is involved in the following sustainability-related initiatives (in alphabetical order), among others:

5 am Tag (5 a Day): As a founding member of the "5 A Day" association, the REWE Group supports the goal of increasing the consumption of vegetables and fruit to 5 portions a day and promoting a healthy nutrition for children. Together with other sponsors, including the German Nutrition Society, the company has been promoting the consumption of more fruit and vegetables since 2000.

ABTA - The Travel Association: ABTA is a trade association for UK travel agents, tour operators and the wider travel industry. Its focus lies in helping its members run successful travel businesses and providing travellers with advice and support. In addition to its cooperation in other committees of ABTA, DER Touristik is actively involved in the UK travel association’s Sustainable Tourism Committee and the Animal Welfare Working Group.

Charitable organization Aktion Mensch e.V. (Campaign for People): The initiative promotes the creation of an inclusive society and supports social sponsorship projects and campaigns. The REWE Group in Germany cooperates with this initiative in various projects – for example the construction of inclusive playgrounds.

amfori Business Environmental Performance Initiative (amfori BEPI): Amfori BEPI helps companies to improve their environmental performance in global supply chains. The REWE Group is represented in work groups and contributes to the Initiative’s development.

amfori Business Social Compliance Initiative (amfori BSCI): As a member, the REWE Group commits itself and all suppliers and producers to comply with the amfori BSCI Code of Conduct. The REWE Group is actively involved in work groups and the membership committee in order to help shape further development.

Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC): The seafood quality seal promotes more environmentally friendly aquacultures and certifies responsibly farmed fish and seafood. The council and the REWE Group work together and share experience continuously.

Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ökologisch engagierter Lebensmittelhändler und Drogisten (Working Group of Environmentally Committed Food Retailers and Drugstores): The working group is a merger of companies in food trade and drugstores who offer a broad range of ecological products. The members pursue the objective to advance this segment, to promote organic cultivation and to also become actively involved in food industry issues.

ARGE Gentechnik-frei (Working Group for Non-Genetically Modified Foods): The Working Group for Non-Genetically Modified Foods is an independent platform supported by member companies from the food trade, food production, the animal feed industry as well as by organisations and associations from the areas of environmental protection, consumer protection and agriculture. The Working Group has awarded the quality mark “Produced without genetic modification” in Austria since 1997. The REWE Group in Austria is a co-founder and has a place on the honorary board of the Working Group.

ARGE Nachhaltigkeitsagenda für Getränkeverpackungen (ARGE Sustainability Agenda for Beverage Packaging): The Agenda aims to holistically optimise the environmental balance of beverage packaging. The REWE Group in Austria is involved and is also a member of the associated working group, which is helping companies to achieve this aim. This includes measures to make reusable packaging more attractive and prevent food waste.

Berufsgenossenschaft Handel und Warenlogistik (German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the Trade and Distribution Industry): The statutory accident insurance provider for companies in the trade and distribution industry supports the REWE Group with targeted measures to prevent accidents at work and occupational illnesses. The alternating Chairman of the Board is Roland Kraemer. As Senior Consultant Social Affairs/ Safety, he is involved in particular in committee work relating to occupational safety with the German Social Accident Insurance Institutions and government agencies. Since 1 April 2023, Alexandra Maier has been responsible as Head of Occupational Health and Safety. Ms. Bianca van Wijnen, Head of Health & Innovation at the REWE Group, is responsible for the topic of health.

Biodiversity in Good Company: This cross-industry alliance brings together companies that are committed to the protection and sustainable use of our worldwide biodiversity. As part of this initiative, the REWE Group is integrating this commitment into its operational sustainability management.

Branchendialog Tourismus für nachhaltige Entwicklung (Sector Dialogue on Tourism for Sustainable Development): The “Branchendialog” brings together representatives from the worlds of politics, the private sector, civil society and academia. DER Touristik Group actively participates in this. The overall aim is the contribution of tourism to sustainable development and as a result to the realisation of the Agenda 2030.

Bundesdeutscher Arbeitskreis für Umweltbewusstes Management e. V. (B.A.U.M.) (German Association of Environmental Management): The company network devoted to sustainable business practices brings together environmental, economic and social issues. As a member of the network, the REWE Group works with other companies to get the business community, municipalities and organisations to buy into the vision of sustainable business practices and to facilitate the environmentally effective, economically meaningful and socially just realisation of this vision.

Bund Ökologische Lebensmittelwirtschaft (German Federation of the Organic Food Industry): This leading association of agricultural producers, processors and retailers of organic foods in Germany works to ensure that the environmental, commercial and social activities of the organic food sector are appropriately understood by political leaders and society. The REWE Group joined this alliance in 2017 as part of its work with the Working Group of Environmentally Committed Food Retailers and Drugstores. Markus Wewer has been a member of the board since 2020 and represents the interests of retailers in the entire organic food sector.

Bündnis für nachhaltige Textilien (Partnership for Sustainable Textiles): The Partnership is a multi-stakeholder partnership to drive improvements along the global value chain in the textile industry. When it joined the Alliance in 2015, the REWE Group committed to making sustainable improvements to the environmental, social and commercial conditions in international textile supply chains.

Charta der Vielfalt (Diversity Charter): The Diversity Charter is an employers' initiative to promote diversity in companies and institutions. At its heart is a voluntary commitment by companies to diversity management. The REWE Group signed the Diversity Charter in 2016.

Consumer Goods Forum: The global industry network made up of more than 400 companies in trade, industry and services in over 70 countries aims to improve the life for all consumers through better business practices. Positive changes are also fostered under the motto “Better Lives through Better Business”. The REWE Group is a member of the Consumer Goods Forum, serves on the Board of Directors and is an active member of two working groups that focus on the areas of plastics and human rights.

Cotton made in Africa: This initiative was launched with the aim of improving the living conditions of people in the cotton-growing regions of Africa. The REWE Group has been supporting this initiative since 2008 and is a member of its Board.

Demeter e. V. (Biodynamic Federation Demeter): The Biodynamic Federation Demeter is the oldest Biodynamic Federation in Germany. Demeter producers work according to biodynamic farming methods and guidelines that go far beyond the requirements of the EU Organic Regulation. To promote organic farming throughout Germany and agricultural structures in the region, the REWE sales line joined the Biodynamic Federation Demeter in September 2020.

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen e. V. (German Sustainable Building Council): The sales lines REWE, PENNY and toom Baumarkt DIY store are members of the non-profit German Sustainable Building Council and are thus committed to sustainable construction.

Deutsche Stiftung Verbraucherschutz (German Consumer Protection Foundation): The foundation aims to strengthen consumer work in Germany. It supports projects which promote consumer competence in particular among children and young people. The REWE Group is a member of the foundation’s Advisory Board.

Deutscher Reiseverband (German Travel Association): DER Touristik has been an active member of the German Travel Association’s working group on child protection since 2010. Members of the Travel Association, NGOs and government representatives combat the sexual exploitation of minors in tourism. Its activities focus on raising the awareness of and informing travellers and employees of the travel industry in order to protect children from sexual assault. In addition, DER Touristik is a permanent member of the German Travel Association Sustainability Committee. This committee focuses on the issues of environmental and climate protection, human rights and social responsibility and acts as a catalyst for ideas in the travel industry.

Deutsches Rotes Kreuz (German Red Cross): The German Red Cross helps people in crisis and champions International Humanitarian Law. The REWE Group cooperates with the German Red Cross and supports the initiative with donations in emergency situations such as the devastating floods that struck parts of Germany in 2021 and the Ukraine conflict as well as for projects designed to help children and young people.

ECPAT Deutschland e. V. – Arbeitsgemeinschaft zum Schutz der Kinder vor sexueller Ausbeutung (ECPAT Germany – Working Group for the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation): This alliance of 28 institutions and groups across Germany is committed to protecting children from all forms of commercial exploitation and sexual abuse. The association is also a member of the children’s rights organisation ECPAT International based in Bangkok, Thailand. The network has 122 members in 104 countries. To promote the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, ECPAT highlights the causes of abuse, investigates violations, develops preventive measures, raises awareness of the issue among the general public and plays an active role in politics, justice, commerce and education. The association also helps DER Touristik to develop and implement measures. ECPAT instructors also train employees and partners about child protection and the implementation of The Code of Conduct for the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation in Travel and Tourism (The Code).

Fair Trees Fund: The Danish organisation Fair Trees promotes fair working conditions in the harvesting of seeds for the cultivation of Nordmann firs in Georgia. Since 2019, toom Baumarkt has been a member of the Foundation Board of the Fair Trees Fund. The foundation supports a broad range of social projects in the harvesting region of Racha and promotes the health and education of the region’s residents.

Fairtrade Deutschland e. V. (Fairtrade Germany): With the Fairtrade seal, this non-profit organisation, known internationally as TransFair, promotes fair trade relations worldwide. The Fairtrade label is awarded to products that originate from fair trade and whose production meets certain social, environmental and commercial criteria. The aim of Fairtrade is to improve living and working conditions of disadvantaged small farmers and workers, strengthen domestic economies and reduce unfair global economic structures in the long term. The REWE Group works on various projects with Fairtrade Deutschland e. V. and certifies numerous REWE and PENNY private label products in Germany with the Fairtrade seal.

FEMALE RESOURCES – MIT FRAUEN IN FÜHRUNG (FEMALE RESOURCES - WITH WOMEN IN MANAGEMENT): The companies that are part of this Cologne-based alliance are committed to providing women and men with equal development opportunities and to promoting the recruitment of women into management positions. The companies’ work focuses on the sharing of good practices, participation in cross-mentoring programmes, networking events and training courses. The REWE Group has been a partner of the group since 2016 and regularly participates in the cross-mentoring programmes, among other things.

Floriculture Sustainability Initiative (FSI): This Dutch organisation promotes responsible production and trading of plants along the supply chain. As a member of the Initiative, toom Baumarkt DIY store is pursing the goal of sourcing at least 90 per cent of ornamental plants based on the criteria of the Initiative by 2020 as well as after this date. These criteria require suppliers to meet environmental and social standards based on certification systems such as GLOBALG.A.P., MPS GAP, GRASP and MPS SQ. toom Baumarkt DIY store also actively participates in working groups to make the ornamental plant business more sustainable.

Food for Biodiversity: In March 2021, the REWE Group founded the Food for Biodiversity association together with other companies, associations, certification organisations from the food industry, environmental associations and research institutions. This first industry-wide alliance is committed to integrating the protection of biodiversity as a key issue for the food industry throughout the value chain.

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC®): This organisation aims to promote sustainable forestry and strives to ensure compliance with environmental and social standards. This is done through global standards, the involvement of all relevant interest groups and support from renowned companies as well as independent environmental and social organisations. toom Baumarkt DIY store has been a member of FSC®since 2018.

Forum für nachhaltigere Eiweißfuttermittel (Forum for More Sustainable Protein Feed): In this dialogue forum, representatives from the food sector, the animal feed sector, academia, environmental NGOs and the world of politics discuss current issues and opportunities for the use of more sustainable protein feed in Germany. The REWE Group joined the forum in 2014 and is currently a member of the FONEI Working Group Deforestation-free Soy Supply Chains.

Forum Nachhaltiger Kakao e. V. (The German Initiative on Sustainable Cocoa, GISCO): Since 2012, this multi-stakeholder initiative has been working to improve the quality of life of cocoa farmers, protect natural resources and biodiversity and promote the production and marketing of sustainable cocoa. As a founding member, the REWE Group and other companies support the PRO-PLANTEURS project, a joint cocoa project in Côte d'Ivoire.

Forum Nachhaltiges Palmöl (Forum for Sustainable Palm Oil): The aim of the multi-stakeholder initiative is to significantly increase the proportion of sustainably produced palm oil while at the same time improving existing certifications and standards. The forum was founded by the REWE Group and other partners in 2013.

Fur Free Retailer: This global programme strives to create networks between free companies and interested consumers. The REWE Group joined the programme in 2018.

Futouris e. V.: The goal of this sustainability initiative of the German travel industry is to promote tourism destinations by providing long-term support to projects in the areas of environment, biodiversity and social and cultural responsibility. DER Touristik joined Futouris in 2015 and, through its membership and various sponsorship projects with Futouris, strives to improve living conditions, preserve biological diversity and protect the environment and climate worldwide and was a member of its Executive Board until March 2022.

GLOBALG.A.P. Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA) Standard Flowers & Ornamentals: The GLOBALG.A.P. IFA standard for flowers and ornamentals is a global standard that defines clear criteria for responsible farming and plant production. toom Baumarkt DIY store is a member of the Focus Group, whose main task is to provide the steering committee with advice regarding to strategic and technical developments.

GLOBALG.A.P. Risk Assessment on Social Practice (GRASP): GRASP is a module developed to assess social practices on farms which are GLOBALG.A.P. certified. The REWE Group is a member of the Technical Committee.

Grüner Knopf (Green Button): The state-owned certification label for sustainable textiles has been guiding consumers in their purchase decisions since 2019. A second version of the standards was published in summer 2022. Companies that offer products with this label must meet requirements for its corporate due diligence processes and demonstrate with recognised labels that the respective product was produced in a way that is socially and environmentally sustainable. Since its introduction, the REWE Group has been promoting the Grüner Knopf label.

Haltungsform (Livestock Farming Conditions): The REWE Group is committed to increasing animal welfare standards throughout the industry. The livestock farming label for the REWE Group’s own-label products was adopted as an industry solution in 2019. The uniform “Haltungsform” label provides transparency with regard to livestock farming conditions. It consists of four stages and defines criteria for chicken, turkeys, pigs, cows, ducks and rabbits.

HolyGrail 2.0 – Digital Watermarks Initiative: The pilot project HolyGrail 2.0 was initiated by AIM – European Brands Association for the purpose of continuing the HolyGrail project supported by the Ellen McArthur Foundation. Its objective is to develop improved conditions for a circular economy in the packaging sector. The use of digital watermarks on packaging is intended to enable an improved sorting behaviour and thus high-quality and high-quantity recycling with the help of digital watermarks on packaging. The REWE Group has been involved in the project since July 2020.

Initiative für nachhaltige Agrarlieferketten (Initiative for Sustainable Agricultural Supply Chains): The Initiative promotes sustainability in global agricultural supply chains and works to improve the quality of life for small farmers. The REWE Group participates in the Initiative and is involved in a working group for living wages and incomes.

Initiative Tierwohl (Initiative for Animal Welfare): The alliance of representatives from agriculture, the meat industry and the food trade promote greater animal welfare in meat production. The participating companies in the German food retail sector finance the additional expenses for animal welfare measures that go beyond statutory provisions. The REWE Group has been an active founding member of the Animal Welfare Initiative since 2015.

JOBLINGE e. V.: Companies, government authorities and private individuals work together in this group to help young people with a difficult start in life to gain real job opportunities and to integrate these individuals into the labour market and society. JOBLINGE Kompass integrates young refugees. The REWE Group has been involved as a premium partner since 2016. As part of a programme called “Ehrensache” ("Matter of Honour"), employees of REWE, DER Touristik and PENNY volunteer as mentors. The JOBLINGE participants receive work placements that provide them with insight into the professional world and are given trainee positions or full-time jobs.

Kindernothilfe e. V. (Supporting children in need): The organisation supports children in difficult circumstances by providing access to education and creating fair living conditions. The REWE Group has been working with the organisation since 2010 to provide children and young people in Haiti with better access to education.

klimaaktiv pakt 2030 (climate active pact2030): Under this Austrian climate protection initiative for large companies, eleven major companies are working together with the Sustainability Ministry to achieve Austria’s climate goals by 2030 in company-driven climate protection efforts. As the largest member, the REWE Group in Austria plays an important role in the pact’s success. The project’s progress is presented in an annual report.

KlimaLink e. V. (ClimateLink): The organisation KlimaLink emerged from the Futouris industry project “Travelling climate-consciously” in which a first version of the uniform standard for calculating travel emissions was developed. As a founding member of KlimaLink and with a seat on its Board of Directors, DER Touristik Group is working together with Futouris, the most important travel associations in the DACH region (Germany, Austria and Switzerland), other tourism companies and climate-protection organisations for a more transparent and more climate-friendly travel industry.

Land schafft Leben e. V. (Land Creates Life): This Austrian organisation transparently shows consumers how food is produced in Austria – from production on the farm to processing and the final product in stores. The REWE Group in Austria, together with its trading companies BILLA, BILLA Plus, PENNY and ADEG, was one of the group’s first supporters. It became an official sponsor in 2014.

Lean & Green Initiative: The non-profit Initiative recognises the successful reductions that participating companies have made in the CO2 emissions of their warehousing and logistics processes. Lekkerland in Germany has been part of the Initiative and a member of its advisory board since 2014. Lekkerland in the Netherlands has been a member of the Initiative since 2012 and has already been awarded three Lean & Green Stars. Conway Spain has been a member of the AECOC Lean & Green Committee since 2016 and was awarded its first Lean & Green Star in 2021.

Marine Stewardship Council (MSC): MSC (Marine Stewardship Council) is an independent, non-profit organisation that certifies sustainably caught fish and seafood. The certified fisheries ensure sustainable fish stocks, intact marine habitats and the protection of endangered species. The REWE Group uses the MSC seal and exchanges information on a regular basis with the organisation.

myAbility: The social company helps companies to set up their disability management systems and in doing so enables the inclusion of people with disabilities as employees and customers. The myAbility Business Forum gives its member companies the opportunity of being part of a B2B network to benefit from the competitive advantage of accessibility and promotes the sharing of knowledge on a wide range of issues. The REWE Group in Austria has supported this forum since 2015. Since 2022, the REWE Group in Germany has also been a partner of myAbility.

Naturland e. V. (Naturland International): With approximately 125,000 farmers, beekeepers and fish farmers in 60 countries, Naturland promotes sustainable agricultural and food practices that produce unadulterated high-quality organic products. The Naturland Guidelines exceed the legal requirements of the EU-organic production-regulation. As a result, they help to conserve resources, promote biodiversity, facilitate increased animal welfare and improve working conditions in risk countries, among other things. The REWE sales line has maintained a close partnership with Naturland since 2009 for the purpose of promoting organic farming practices and making organic products available to a broader market. The sales line PENNY in Germany will also enter into a partnership with Naturland in 2023.

Naturschutzbund Deutschland e. V. (NABU - Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union Germany): In 2015, the REWE Group entered into a strategic partnership with NABU and thus intensified the cooperation that has existed since 2009. For this purpose, the joint project on biodiversity and the PRO PLANET label was extended and specific topics of the cooperation, such as protection of marine life, packaging, resource conservation and the promotion of biodiversity were agreed. In working groups and strategy workshops, NABU and the REWE Group developed roadmaps in order to achieve the sustainability goals defined together. One new aspect of this partnership for REWE in Germany since 2022 has been the NABU Climate Fund. The fund purchases or leases former moors and wet meadows. These areas are then rewetted to create effective carbon sinks.

Partnerschaft für Nachhaltigen Orangensaft (Partnership for Sustainable Orange Juice): This partnership promotes social justice, worker rights and environmental protection in the orange juice supply chain. The long-term objective of its work is to increase the share of sustainably produced orange juice in the German and European market. The REWE Group is involved as a founding member.

Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification Schemes (PEFCTM): The system dedicated to promoting sustainable forest management encompasses the entire product-creation process, from raw materials to the end product. Inspections are carried out by independent experts. In the forest management, appropriate consideration is given to all protective functions. toom Baumarkt DIY store has been a member of PEFCTM since 2018.

QS-Prüfsystem – Arbeitsgruppe Nachhaltigkeit bei Futtermitteln (QA Inspection System – Working Group for Sustainability in Animal Feed): The working group consists of companies and organisations across the animal feed value chain. Its goal is to develop additional modules for the procurement of raw materials that have been certified as sustainable in the QA system. For example, soy in QA animal feed will be sourced from production that has been certified as sustainable from 2024.

Rainforest Alliance: The Rainforest Alliance is a sustainability standard for the production of agricultural raw materials and products. The REWE Group joined the Rainforest Alliance in 2018 and is a member of its Standards Committee. This committee makes decisions about future steps in the Alliance’s work on the basis of public consultation on the standards.

Regionalfenster e. V. (Regional Window): The “Regionalfenster” seal provides consumers with verified information about the origin of ingredients in products and where they have been processed. It thus creates transparency for customers in addition to the private label-specific information. In order to further promote regional products, the REWE Group has been active as a founding member of Regionalfenster e. V. since 2012 and has been using the seal for selected PENNY and REWE items since 2014.

respACT: The company platform for responsible business practices in Austria provides information about, creates networks for and promotes sustainability in Austria. The REWE Group in Austria has been a supporting member of respACT since 2009.

Roundtable Human Rights in Tourism e. V.: The Roundtable Human Rights in Tourism is a non-profit and an international multi-stakeholder initiative promoting human rights in tourism in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. The initiative acts as an open network and helps tourism companies to observe human rights in tourism by preventing, addressing and eliminating human rights violations along the supply chain in their business activities. Since 2013, DER Touristik Group has been a founding member and member of the Executive Board as well as key partner in many projects.

Runder Tisch für nachhaltiges Palmöl (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil, RSPO): The non-profit organisation RSPO works with its members to develop and implement global standards for sustainable palm oil. Companies must meet a range of environmental and social criteria in order to produce certified sustainable palm oil. The REWE Group has been a member of RSPO since 2011.

Studienkreis für Tourismus und Entwicklung e. V. (Institute for Tourism and Development): The Institute critically and constructively examines the opportunities, risks and responsibilities of tourism developments and focuses on development-related information and training work in tourism. It releases publications on this subject, offers training seminars, is active in the area of tourism research and consultancy and is involved in the public debate on tourism development issues. In addition, the Institution organises international competitions such as the TO DO Award, a prize that recognises the participation and voice of local citizens in tourism projects and programmes. DER Touristik is a member of the Institute for Tourism and Development and represented on the jury for the TO DO Awards.

SÜDWIND e. V. (SUEDWIND Institute for Economics and Ecumenism): The association promotes fair commercial relationships and supports women and people in need. SÜDWIND e. V. is represented on the REWE Group’s Sustainability Advisory Board by a research associate who advises primarily on the subject of “Fairness”.

Sustainable-Finance-Beirat der Bundesregierung (The Sustainable Finance Advisory Committee of the Federal Government): The Advisory Committee is made up of representatives from the financial sector, the real economy, civil society and academia and advises the German government on the further development and implementation of its sustainable finance strategy. The REWE Group is represented on the Advisory Committee for the 19th legislative term by its Head of Finance.

Sustainable Juice Plattform: The Platform promotes social and environmental improvements in the supply chains of the fruit juice industry. It was created to help European fruit juice producers to integrate CSR measures into their corporate strategies. The aim is to make a long-term sustainable contribution along the global fruit juice value chain by all stakeholders. The REWE Group has been a member of the Sustainable Juice Platform since 2016 and plays an active role in a working group that focuses on orange juice from Brazil. From 2017 to 2021, the REWE Group was also a member of the Steering Committee.

Tafel Deutschland e. V. (Tafel Germany): The organisation saves surplus, good quality food and distributes it to people in need. The REWE Group with its sales lines REWE and PENNY has been one of the main sponsors of the more than 960 Tafel food banks in Germany since 1996. CEO Lionel Souque and Dr Daniela Büchel (Member of the Management Board – People and Sustainability Officer) have two seats on the Board of Trustees. The REWE Group has also been a sponsor of numerous events held by Tafel Deutschland e. V. for many years. Individual Lekkerland stores have also been working with various Tafel organisations for around two decades.

The Bangladesh Accord on Fire and Building Safety: The aim of the Accord is to increase safety in the textile industry through independent inspectors who check building safety, fire protection and electrical safety during factory visits. The REWE Group signed the agreement in 2013 and the follow-up agreement, the "2018 Transition Accord", in 2017. Since its expiry, the REWE Group has supported the RMG Sustainability Council (RSC), which was founded in 2020 and has officially taken over the tasks of the agreement in Bangladesh. In March 2023, – outside the period covered by this report – the company also signed the International Accord for Health and Safety in the Textile and Garment Industry.

The Code of Conduct for the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation in Travel and Tourism (The Code): “The Code” is a multi-stakeholder initiative and comprises governmental and non-governmental organisations, associations and initiatives. Its members have committed themselves to observing a voluntary catalogue of six criteria to prevent children from being sexually exploited in the travel and tourism industry. Its local organisations also work around the world to implement the criteria and raise awareness about the issue. DER Touristik has been a member since 2016.

Travelife for Tour Operators and Travel Agents: The training, management and certification initiative has been working since 2007 to promote sustainable practices in the travel and tourism industry. It helps travel operators and agencies to monitor and improve the social and environmental impact of their business activities with the help of training courses, a sustainable management system and a company certification programme based on international sustainability standards. As a member of the initiative, DER Touristik has access to the know-how and resources of Travelife and benefits from the certification of its own destination agencies and their service providers.

Travelife Stay Better (Travelife Accommodation Sustainability): Travelife Stay Better is an internationally recognised sustainability programme for accommodation. Around 1,500 members in more than 50 countries use Travelife instruments and resources such as e-learning courses and checklists to improve the environmental and social impact of their commercial activities. The standard recognised by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) consists of criteria used to assess the performance of accommodation in the areas of human rights, working conditions, social commitment and environmental impacts. A global team of independent auditors visits every accommodation to determine whether they meet the Travelife standard. The hotels of DER Touristik Hotels & Resorts are currently applying for certification with the Travelife standard.

Verband der österreichischen Tafeln (Association of Austrian Tafel): The Association acts as coordinator between donors and the Tafel food banks in order to save and distribute food that is fit for consumption. The REWE Group in Austria provides support here as a founding member of Aktionsplattform Lebensmittelhandel (Action Platform for Food Retailers) so that food is saved even more efficiently and reaches people in poverty.

Verband für Lebensmittel ohne Gentechnik e. V. (German Association Food without Genetic Engineering): In Germany, food that has not been genetically engineered can be labelled by the German Association Food without Genetic Engineering. The REWE Group in Germany has been a member of Association since 2012. It has been represented on the Association's board by Juliane Falzmann since 2022.

VERBRAUCHER INITIATIVE e. V. (Consumer Initiative Association): The Initiative focuses on environmental, health and social consumer work. The managing director of the VERBRAUCHER INITIATIVE e. V. is represented on the REWE Group’s Sustainability Advisory Board and provides advice in particular on consumer concerns.

Verein Donau Soja (Danube Soy Association): REWE International AG is a founding member of the Danube Soja Association. The Association has been promoting the sustainable cultivation of non-genetically modified soybeans in Europe since 2012. As a protein partner of the Danube Soy Association, the REWE Group has been able to promote the cultivation of almost 93,000 tonnes of certified deforestation-free soy in Croatia and Serbia in cooperation with more than 250 farmers.

Verein für kontrollierte alternative Tierhaltungsformen (Association for Controlled Alternative Animal Husbandry): The Association acts as an inspection authority that oversees the origin and traceability of eggs from barn, free-range and organic production. As member of the Association, the REWE Group is committed to supporting the interests of the Association and applying its decisions and requirements. The REWE Group is represented by Charlotte Rosendahl on the Association's board.

Women’s Empowerment Principles: The seven principles of the Initiative established by UN Women and the UN Global Compact focus on international labour and human rights standards, the gender equality dimensions of Agenda 2030 and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. These include equal pay for equal work, gender-specific measures to promote women and zero tolerance of sexual harassment in the workplace. The REWE Group joined the initiative in November 2020 and is committed to the targeted strengthening of women in business and in society.

World Banana Forum: The Forum brings together different stakeholders in the global banana supply chain to achieve sustainable cultivation, human rights and improved working conditions. The REWE Group is a member of the World Banana Forum and has been represented on the Advisory Board since 2014.

XertifiX: To trace the supply chain of natural stones all the way back to the quarry and independently verify whether social and environmental criteria have been met, toom Baumarkt DIY store collaborates with the independent experts from XertifiX.