# Artboard 1
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Management Approach Employees

Brief Overview:

The REWE Group aims to promote satisfaction, efficiency and productivity of its employees. The company

  • strives to achieve a diverse employee structure and to guarantee its employees a non-discriminatory workplace, irrespective of gender, age, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation or disability and to offer all employees equal opportunities;
  • relies on strategic HR management – with employee-focused work concepts, safe working conditions, tailor-made training opportunities and appreciation of each individual;
  • has defined five areas of action with emphasis on employees: Values and Culture, Training and Development, Health and Safety, Work and Life Phases and Diversity and Equal Opportunities;
  • has set specific targets within these areas of action and defined performance indicators by 2025: Maintaining the apprenticeship ratio, increasing internal staffing of executive positions, achieving gender balance in executive positions, reduction of accidents and maintaining disabled employees quota per capita.

The REWE Group is facing various challenges with regard to human resources policies. Due to the demographic development, the proportion of older employees is steadily increasing and there is a growing shortage of trainees and skilled workers. In addition, the world of work will change greatly as a result of globalisation and digitalisation – associated with technological change, changing cultural values and increasing individualisation. In the future, work will be more digital, more networked and more flexible. Structural transition means that a major part of jobs in the future will be different from today's occupation.

Within the Employees pillar of its Sustainability Strategy, the REWE Group is working systematically to position itself for the future, to recruit talented people and to retain them in the company on a long-term basis.

Strategic Approach


The REWE Group cultivates a corporate culture that is characterised by trusting and respectful interaction with employees, customers and business partners. It strives to achieve a diverse employee structure and to guarantee them a non-discriminatory workplace, irrespective of gender, age, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation or disability and to offer all employees equal opportunities.


Dr Daniela Büchel (Member of the Management Board – People and Sustainability Officer) is responsible for strategic control. Dr Büchel took up this position on 01 January 2023. Before that she was Boardmember German food retail business – REWE Group Human Resources / Corporate Responsibility.


Committed and qualified employees make a decisive contribution to the success of our company. Promoting employee satisfaction, efficiency and productivity is therefore a central topic at the REWE Group. Given the size and diversity of our company, a strong sense of community among all employees is essential to ensure this. This includes fair remuneration, additional company benefits exceeding the standard wage, flexible working hours adapted to specific needs of employees as well as individual offers for a healthy work-life balance. To this end, we rely on strategic HR management – with employee-focused work concepts, safe working conditions, tailor-made training opportunities and appreciation of each individual.

Promoting employee satisfaction, efficiency and productivity is a central topic at the REWE Group.

Areas of Action

The Employees focus is one of the four central pillars of the Sustainability Strategy of the REWE Group. The Group has defined five areas of action within this pillar:

  • Values and Culture
  • Training and Professional Growth
  • Health and Safety
  • Work and Phases of Life
  • Diversity and Equal Opportunities

Targets and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

To make its progress in the Employees pillar measurable, the REWE Group has defined various KPIs with associated targets. At the beginning of 2021, these have been updated with regard to target value and target horizon.

Targets 2020 2021 2022 Status Measures
Maintaining the apprenticeship ratio of 5.4 % (share of apprentices in total headcount in full-time equivalent) by 2025 5.3 % 5.6 % 5.5 % See section Training and Education
Increase internal staffing of executive positions to 80.0 % by 2025 71.9 % 75.9 % 75.3 %
Achieving gender balance in executive positions by 2025 46.2 % female 45.8 % female 45.5 % female see section Diversity, Equal Opportunities and Equal Treatment
53.8 % male 54.2 % male 54.5 % male
Reduction of accidents per 1,000 full time equivalents to 43.5 by 2025 48.3 48.7 47.3 see section Occupational Health and Safety
Maintaining disabled employees quota per capita at the level of at least 3.0 % by 20251 3.1 % 3.0 % 3.0 % see section Diversity, Equal Opportunities and Equal Treatment
Implementation in progress
Target achieved
Not available
Target not achieved
Scope: The REWE Group companies in Germany and Austria, including retailers
The disability quota is calculated on a per capita basis and thus has a different basis of calculation than the mandatory employment quota of severely disabled persons pursuant to Section 154 of the Social Code (SGB) IX (Germany). The calculation of the disabled employees quota per capita was chosen in order to be able to determine a uniform cross-border key figure (Germany and Austria). People with disabilities are defined pursuant to Social Code (SGB) Sec. 2 (Germany) and Disability Employment Act (BEinstG) (Austria).