# Artboard 1
Development Goal:

Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainability has been an essential part of the REWE Group’s corporate identity and business strategy. The 17 Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations address the key challenges of sustainable development on the global level by 2030. We strive to make a contribution to achieving these goals through our commitment to sustainability.

For this purpose, the Sustainability Officers at the REWE Group compared their Sustainability Strategy and business processes with the 17 SDGs and its 169 sub-goals, prioritised them and identified the most relevant for the company. In 2016, this selection was mirrored with the stakeholders with whom the REWE Group is in constant exchange. The company regularly reflects on the SDGs to identify further potential for engagement. In 2021, for example, two additional SDGs were added that have become much more relevant to society and also to the Group: SDG 13 Climate Action and SDG 5 Gender Equality.

At the REWE Group, the focus is on the impact of its business activities on these goals and the opportunity to make a positive contribution to their achievement The impact opportunities along the value chain are considered - from purchasing to cultivation and production as well as storage and logistics to stores, sales and consumption.