# Artboard 1
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GRI 405, 406

Diversity, Equal Opportunities and Equal Treatment

Brief Overview:

The REWE Group intends to guarantee its employees a discrimination-free workplace and offer everybody the same opportunities, regardless of ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, religion or disability. The company therefore promotes diversity, equal opportunities and respectful treatment with a view to equal treatment within the company. It has

  • established a non-discriminatory company human resources policy in its Guideline on Sustainable Business Practices and consistently punishes any evidence of discrimination;
  • signed the Diversity Charter, a voluntary commitment by the business community to diversity management and aims to foster an organisational culture that is characterised by mutual respect and appreciation;
  • the objective of achieving a balanced gender ratio in executive positions by 2025. Furthermore, it also intends to maintain the disabled employees quota per capita at a minimum of 3 per cent;
  • defined five dimensions of diversity as key topics: Gender and gender identity, socio-cultural background, sexual orientation, generations and physical and mental abilities.

Diversity and equal opportunities is an area of action in the Employees pillar of the Sustainability Strategy of the REWE Group. Activities in the sphere of equal treatment are also assigned to this area of action.

GRI 405: Diversity and Equal Opportunity, GRI 406: Non-discrimination

Management Approach


As an international trade and tourism company, a broad variety of people – female, male or diverse, of different ages and from different cultural backgrounds – work at the REWE Group. The company embraces this situation. With its projects and measures, the REWE Group intends to promote diversity and equal opportunities as well as equal treatment and to shape its company human resources policy to be free from discrimination. The experience of the Human Resources department, as well as publicly accessible studies and investigations, have shown that a mixed-age and multicultural workforce can contribute to a broader spectrum of knowledge, abilities and new perspectives to the company, leading to more innovation and creativity. This can also prove to be advantageous regarding international cooperation.

With a diverse workforce, the REWE Group aims to tackle the challenges of the shortage of skilled workers, demographic change and digitalisation and to be seen as an attractive employer in the future. Through its commitment, the REWE Group also aims to act as a role model for anti-discrimination, to make diversity more visible and to contribute to an open, modern society.

With its projects and measures, the REWE Group intends to promote diversity and equal opportunities as well as equal treatment and to shape its company human resources policy to be free from discrimination.


The REWE Group cultivates a corporate culture that is characterised by respect of and appreciation for each individual. The company's Code of Conduct states that derogatory behaviour, bullying and sexual harassment are not permitted and that unequal treatment on the basis of skin colour or ethnic origin, gender, age or sexual orientation, religion or worldview, illness or disability is taboo. This likewise applies to all employees and business partners according to the Guideline on Sustainable Business Practices concerning discrimination. This principle applies to the recruitment of new employees, to existing employment relationships, and to business partners. At the same time, the company ensures that all active employees are offered equal framework conditions – including according to the definition of the Diversity Charter (see also section Implementation), a voluntary commitment by the business community to diversity management. The REWE Group signed it in early 2017.

The REWE Group cultivates a corporate culture that is characterised by respect of and appreciation for each individual.

Targets and KPIs

The REWE Group intends to remain adaptable and guarantee fair cooperation. The company has defined targets to achieve this. For example, it doesn’t just intend to clearly increase the proportion of women, as required by Germany's the First and Second Leadership Positions Acts, but

  • aims to achieve a balanced gender ratio in executive positions (executives and top management) by 2025.
  • Furthermore, it intends to maintain the disabled employees quota per capita at a minimum of three per cent by 2025.

The REWE Group uses mentoring programmes or tandem models for example to increase the proportion of female employees and cooperates with talent programmes for people with disabilities, in order to maintain the inclusion quota (see section Measures and Projects). The effectiveness of the measures is regularly assessed through project and strategy review appointments, as well as internal evaluations of personnel statistics. For detailed information on the achievement of the target, see section Women in Executive Positions and Employment of People with Disabilities.

The REWE Group also wants all employees to be open with each other and show each other mutual trust and respect. It therefore aims for company-wide implementation of this mission statement.

On the way to achieving the target, the REWE Group has established that making executive positions more attractive for women is a challenge, especially with regard to the work-life balance. To meet this challenge, the REWE Group has introduced job-sharing models, for example. Experience has also shown that networks are required to enable women to support each other and exchange ideas and to make their commitment visible. For that reason, the REWE Group has set up its own network for women in the company (further information is available in the section Promotion of Women).

Responsibility and Resources

Dr Daniela Büchel (Member of the Management Board – People and Sustainability Officer) is responsible for the strategic control of the area of Diversity and Equal Opportunity as well as Equal Treatment. The respective HR departments of the individual sales lines are responsible for the operational implementation.

Employees from different departments and sales lines (see second paragraph under Implementation) are driving the issue forward from within the organisation as part of the Diversity Network founded in 2021.


In 2021, the REWE Group defined five diversity dimensions as key topics, based on the Diversity Charter, in order to implement diversity and equal opportunities in the company:

  • Gender and gender identity: The REWE Group is committed to gender equality when it comes to allocating responsibility and to respecting all gender identities. It aims to achieve a balanced gender ratio on all executive levels (see section Women in Executive Positions and Employment of People with Disabilities).
  • Socio-cultural background (summarises the topics of ethnic origin, religion and ideology as well as social background): The REWE Group takes a clear stance against discrimination on the grounds of religion, language, cultural and/or social background.
  • Sexual orientation: The Group maintains an open corporate culture for any sexual identity or orientation and makes this dimension visible in everyday life through employee networks and groups.
  • Generations: The company offers space and (working) conditions, as well as support and advice, for all phases of life.
  • Physical and mental skills: The REWE Group creates conditions for the integration of employees with impairments.

To implement these key topics within the REWE, and PENNY sales lines and the REWE Group headquarters (the administrative units of Retail Germany excluding toom Baumarkt DIY store, DER Touristik and Lekkerland and including Holding and REWE Digital), a working group was established in Germany in 2021. The Diversity Network with the motto “Vielfalt.Gemeinsam.Leben” (“Living.Diversity.Together”) is made up of employees from different departments and sales lines who act as multipliers for the topic of diversity in their units. The network also raises awareness among the employees of unequal treatment and discrimination. In addition, the REWE Group implements different measures and projects in relation to this topic.

The Diversity Network with the motto “Vielfalt.Gemeinsam.Leben” (“Living.Diversity.Together”) is made up of employees from different departments and sales lines who act as multipliers for the topic of diversity in their units.

The REWE Group’s Diversity Network was cited as a very good case study for the retail sector in a study by the German Trade Association (Handelsverband Deutschland e. V., HDE), the auditing and consulting company PwC Deutschland and Google Deutschland entitled “Diversity, Equity & Inclusion – wie reif ist der Handel?” (“Diversity, Equity & Inclusion – How Ready is Retail?”) from the beginning of 2022. According to the study’s authors, the Group is taking a holistic approach to the topic, actively pushes it ahead at the highest levels of leadership and networks employees in order to promote dialogue and mutual understanding.

Involvement of Stakeholders

The topic of Diversity and Equal Opportunity has been classified as essential by the REWE Group's stakeholders (see Materiality Analysis). They are informed about the measures taken and their effectiveness in the annual Sustainability Report. The effectiveness of measures is regularly assessed through project and strategy reviews as well as internal evaluations of personnel statistics. Various dialogue formats allow stakeholders to join in the exchange of ideas and contribute important input on the issue (see Stakeholder Dialogue). Employees are also invited to contribute to group-wide campaigns on the topic (see also section Living Diversity).

The REWE Group’s employees can continuously provide important input on employee issues. Depending on the topic, various formats are available for this, such as employee representatives, committee meetings, training, working groups or surveys. For more information, please refer to the Compliance section.

Measures and Projects

During the reporting period, the REWE Group actively worked on promoting diversity and equal opportunities and equal treatment in the company with a number of different projects and measures. These are as follows, sorted by topic:

Living Diversity

Participatory campaign

On the occasion of the tenth Diversity Day on 31 May 2022, the participatory campaign “Diversity” took place in Germany on the “Gemeinsam.topfit” online portal. Employees were able to take part with photographs and statements on the topic of “Diversity means for me/us...”.

Gender and Gender Identity

Promotion of women Highlight

Like other companies, the REWE Group is faced with an imbalance of men and women in top executive positions. The REWE Group aims to address this issue with projects as part of the “Diversity in the REWE Group” initiative. For example, “f.ernetzt” – a network for women in the REWE Group – has been in existence since 2019. Several hundred female executives and experts have since taken part in the dialogue on topics such as leadership, new work, personal development and work-life balance. During the reporting year, meet-ups were offered on a variety of topics, for example, roundtable discussions with experienced executives or a dialogue with two executives who work in a job-sharing tandem.

At PENNY in Germany, 22 workshops with employees from all regions on the topic of “Diversity in Leadership” were implemented during the reporting year. At the workshops, measures were drawn up to promote gender diversity in executive positions in sales.

With the mentoring programme “women@toom”, toom Baumarkt DIY stores support sales employees with leadership ambitions to grow into executive roles.

More information on projects to promote women in executive positions, such as the Women’s Drive programme (since 2017) or the Cologne partnership “Mit Frauen in Führung” (“With Women in Leadership”) (since 2016), can be found in the Archive of the REWE Group sustainability reports.

Guideline on Gender Neutral Language Highlight

In November 2022, the REWE Group adopted a group-wide Guideline on Gender Neutral Language and communicated it internally. It provides guidance and a framework for gender-neutral language in internal and external communication. 

Sociocultural Origin

Mentoring programme for young people and young refugees Highlight

The REWE Group has been committed to JOBLINGE as part of its strategic communication since 2016: With the JOBLINGE Klassik programmes, the initiative supports socially disadvantaged young people and with JOBLINGE Kompass, it supports young refugees who are to be integrated and become qualified for the labour market. Employees from REWE and PENNY in Germany, the REWE Group headquarters and DER Touristik can provide voluntary support through mentoring as part of the project “Ehrensache” ("Matter of Honour"). There are now 85 mentors and just under 174 mentoring tandems across Germany. In around 750 work placements, young people involved in JOBLINGE gained insights into working life (2021: around 7501), and around 250 young people were taken on as trainees or given employment (2021: around 240).

1 GRI 2-4: GRI 2-4: The number of work placements differs from the number given for the previous year because of a rounding error.

Integration of refugees into working life

To guarantee their integration into society and professional life, the REWE Group in Germany fills work placements throughout the country with young refugees. They are accepted for training – especially in sales and logistics – after recruitment through taster days and work placements. Refugees are very often initially given linguistic and cultural preparation as part of a six to twelve-month entry qualification before being accepted into training.

The integration initiative “KIMAT” of REWE Region Süd supports people with a history of migration to become better integrated into the labour market and promotes intercultural coexistence. Many of them are already trainees at REWE; others are prepared for training with the help of language training, for example.

The REWE Group in Austria conducts targeted recruitment of refugees. Within this framework, various traineeships, along with numerous work placements, were filled with young refugees.

Integration of the long-term unemployed

The REWE Group is committed to integrating unemployed and long-term unemployed people aged over 25 years and without vocational qualification into the labour market in Germany. The measure “Teilqualifizierung in ca. 58 Wochen” (“Partial Qualification in around 58 Weeks”) is a certified programme from the "Entwicklungszentrum für berufliche Qualifizierung und Integration GmbH in Dortmund (EWZ)" (Development Centre for Vocational Qualification and Integration GmbH in Dortmund). It prepares people who are actively seeking work for the Salesperson (Chamber of Industry and Commerce) exam focusing on “Service” in approximately 58 weeks. The participants are employed at a REWE store and receive their salary from the store itself. It is reimbursed by the Employment Agency (Agentur für Arbeit) and the job centre until the qualification is achieved. The first partial qualification began in December 2019 with 23 participants. 13 of them passed their exam with an average grade of 2.1 in January 2021 and received an employment contract in a REWE store. The second partial qualification with 13 participants began in November 2021. It is expected to last until June 2023.

Sexual Orientation

Award as an LGBTIQ+-friendly employer Highlight

In November 2022, the REWE Group received the Pride Champion employer seal (formerly PRIDE 500), the LGBTIQ+ employer seal in Germany. This was confirmed by independent auditors as part of the PRIDE Champion Audits by the UHLALA Group, Germany’s leading LGBTIQ+ Social Business. The REWE Group received a high score, especially in the areas of organisational structure (diversity, inclusion, equity management and networks), as well as legal frameworks and regulations (points of contact and grievance departments, principles and instructions).

Different together: The LGBTIQ network keeps growing. Highlight

di.to (“different together”) is the REWE Group’s LGBTIQ network across Germany. It helps all employees to feel at ease in the company, regardless of their sexual orientation. Since it was established in 2013, the network has been able to gain around 350 members and just under 2,000 followers on social media channels (2021: 300 members and over 1,300 followers) The goal is to connect employees and promote dialogue across all sales lines. A national, virtual network meeting with internal and external guest speakers on queer, political as well as job-related topics has been held several times a year since 2020. Furthermore, di.to has been a partner in the “PEPP –PROUT EMPLOYER PARTNER PROGRAMME” network since 2020. It contributes to establishing a diverse work culture.

One of di.to’s successful campaigns is the distribution of rainbow stickers. In recent years, all REWE and PENNY stores, toom Baumarkt DIY stores and DER Touristik travel agencies in Germany have demonstrated tolerance and diversity by displaying the symbol on their entrance door. On the initiative of the network, more than 5,000 rainbow flags were hoisted at numerous stores of the REWE Group across Germany to mark IDAHBOT (International Day against Homophobia) in May 2022. This drew a lot of attention in the regional and national media. Participation in the CSD at Cologne and Vienna Pride was made possible again in 2022, albeit to smaller extent. This is intended to create a sense of belonging between employees and the community.

PENNY in Germany supported the training and empowerment network Queermentor in 2022 by supporting 20 mentorings aimed at helping young LGBTQIA people aged 16 and over to develop the mindset of “I’m okay as I am”.

Equal Treatment and Discrimination

Commitment against sexual harassment and discrimination

With the campaign “Sexuelle Belästigung und Diskriminierung – NEIN danke!” (“Sexual Harassment and Discrimination – NO thank you!”), the REWE Group in Austria informs its employees about options for taking action against this kind of attack. The campaign includes a poster that was sent to all stores and locations, as well as accompanying communication. A workshop with the Ombud for Equal Treatment on the topic of “Sexual Harassment and Discrimination” was also held in 2021 for selected employees from the works council. The event is planned to be repeated in 2023. Affected persons in the company are supported by their own trained employees – whether in an anonymous discussion but also by actively initiating steps. The works council also provides information on the topic of “Gleichbehandlung – keine Chance für Diskriminierung” (“Equal Treatment – No Room for Discrimination”) in a brochure. Since 2021, the e-learning module on the topic of “Sexual Harassment” has been available to all employees and is compulsory for active executives.

To prevent harassment by customers, the “Fair Play” campaign is currently underway in Carinthia, Austria. Trainings, workshops and posters at the point of sale make remind everybody to treat people with respect.

Physical and Mental Skills

Inclusion and accessibility

The REWE Group in Germany is committed to equal opportunities for all employees. People with disabilities and people at risk of disability in the company can talk to the representative body for severely disabled persons and inclusion representatives at any time. The representative body for severely disabled persons advises on matters of applications to the social security office, reintegration into the workplace after long illness and on all other legal issues. Moreover, it supports the employer in the inclusion of newly hired employees. With accessible workplaces, the REWE Group enables employees with disabilities to work in administration and in the stores – for example in the form of checkout workplaces for wheelchair users. The REWE Group employed 7,955 people with disabilities in the reporting year (Scope sustainability report; 2021: 7,899).

The websites of the REWE Group and the career pages of REWE and PENNY in Germany are barrier-free according to applicable standards.

A strategic cooperation between the REWE Group and Aktion Mensch has existed since 2017. Numerous projects on the topic of inclusion and promotion of children and young people have been implemented as part of this cooperation. For example, set-up of a nursery and school inclusion assistance service and creation of inclusive playgrounds were supported during the reporting year (see section Projects and Promotion).  

As in 2021, the REWE and PENNY sales lines in Germany participated in the talent recruiting programme by myAbility in the reporting year. Students with chronic illnesses or disabilities, the myAbility Talents, received targeted coaching on career planning and soft skills over the period of a semester. In addition, they are networked with the company as possible future employees and are given the option of job shadowing – accompanying employees to observe workplaces – and taster work placements. This reinforces open communication about disabilities in companies. 

The REWE Group in Austria takes a holistic approach to the issue of disability and follows the vision of “thinking accessibly and giving employees, customers and partners the same opportunities”. This includes, for example, increasing the number of employees with a handicap in the company itself – deaf employees were able to be employed in the stores and people with autism were able to be employed in the central units. The job profile “employee for supportive activities” has been open to applications from people with disabilities at the headquarters and at BIPA stores since 2021.  

In Austria, the REWE Group Austria is one of the largest employers of people with disabilities and employs over 800 staff with different disabilities in all parts of the company.

BILLA actively reaches out to disabled people with its job advertisements. The sales line employs people with different disabilities, such as learning difficulties or chronic illnesses, at its headquarters, in the stores, in the online shop and in logistics. To raise awareness among the workforce, BILLA also made videos of success stories of employees with disabilities. There are also new training videos on dealing with customers with disabilities that are available to employees. Furthermore, the BILLA job market has been certified as barrier-free since 2020 through the “Web Accessibility Certificate Austria” (WACA), the first independent certificate in Austria. 

toom Baumarkt DIY store has been cooperating with institutions of the association "Bundesvereinigung Lebenshilfe e. V." (Federal Association Lebenshilfe) since 2014 on joint projects for people with and without disabilities as part of local partnerships as well as work placements and outsourced workshop jobs. In 2022, 28 (2021:21) workshop jobs were provided and 20 of them could be filled. A guide on these local partnerships with the Lebenshilfe association was available in stores during the reporting period.

GRI 405-1: Diversity in governance bodies and employees

Women in Executive Positions and Employment of People with Disabilities

The proportion of women in the entire workforce of the REWE Group in Germany and Austria including independent retailers in 2022 was 65.3 per cent (2021: 66.0 per cent). The proportion of women in top management was 11.2 per cent (2021: 9.7 per cent), whereas around 46.0 per cent of executives below top management are female (2021: 46.3 per cent).

Target 2020 2021 2022 Status
Achievement of a balanced gender ratio in executive positions (executives and top management) by 2025 46.2 %
45.8 %
45.5 %
53.8 %
54.2 %
54.5 %
Implementation in progress
Target achieved
Not available
Target not achieved

Scope: The REWE Group companies in Germany and Austria, including retailers

On 31/12/2022, the supervisory board of REWE-Zentral-Aktiengesellschaft (RZAG) had 18 (2021: 18) full members (15 men, 3 women). In the supervisory board of REWE-ZENTRALFINANZ eG (RZF), 20 (2021: 20) full members were represented in the reporting year (14 men, 6 women). No women (2021: 0) were represented in the executive board in 2022. No women were appointed to the executive board or to the supervisory board at REWE International AG.

Employment of people with disabilities: The REWE Group records the employment quota of people with disabilities in Germany in accordance with the Social Code (SGB) Sec. 2 and, in Austria, in accordance with the Disability Employment Act (BEinstG). According to these definitions, the disabled employees quota among the employees of the REWE Group in 2022 was 3.0 per cent, as in the previous year.

Target 2020 2021 2022 Status
To maintain the disabled employees quota per capita at a minimum of 3.0 per cent by 20251. 3.1 % 3.0 % 3.0 %
Implementation in progress
Target achieved
Not available
Target not achieved

Scope: The REWE Group companies in Germany and Austria, including retailers

1 The disability quota is calculated on a per capita basis and thus has a different basis of calculation than the mandatory employment quota of severely disabled persons pursuant to Section 154 of the Social Code (SGB) IX (Germany). The calculation of the disabled employees quota per capita was chosen in order to be able to determine a uniform cross-border key figure (Germany and Austria). People with disabilities are defined pursuant to the Social Code (SGB) Sec. 2 (Germany) and the Disability Employment Act (BEinstG) (Austria).

There is no comprehensive reporting requirement for people with disabilities in Germany. All people with registered disabilities are therefore recorded in the analyses.

Proportion of Employees by Category 2022

Top Executives
Women 11.2%
Men 88.8%
Diverse1 0%
No information2 0%
Women 46.0%
Men 54.0%
Diverse 0%
No information 0%
Women 65.3%
Men 34.7%
Diverse 0.0072%
No information 0.00056%

Scope: The REWE Group companies in Germany and Austria, including retailers

1 Gender entry “diverse”: We accept no liability for the completeness of the information. Information about gender is voluntary; employees do not have to disclose it. This information has been available in Germany since 2019; a retroactive change is possible. This information is not collected for employees in Austria.

2 “No information” entry: This entry may contain information for which employees did not make an assignment.

Composition of employees by category

Employees Executives Top Executives
Region 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022
Total headcount Total 249,784 249,489 251,461 14,424 14,402 14,504 211 207 205
Germany 210,382 209,928 210,904 9,261 9,342 9,609 179 174 177
Austria 39,402 39.561 40,557 5,163 5,060 4,895 32 33 28
Women in % Total 66.1 66.0 65.3 46.7 46.3 46.0 10.9 9.7 11.2
Germany 64.6 64.5 63.9 35.8 36.1 35.9 10.6 9.2 10.7
Austria 74.2 73.9 72.7 66.5 65.1 65.7 12.5 12.1 14.3
Men in % Total 33.9 34.0 34.7 53.3 53.7 54.0 89.1 90.3 88.8
Germany 35.4 35.5 36.1 64.2 63.9 64.1 89.4 90.8 89.3
Austria 25.8 26.1 27.3 33.5 34.9 34.3 87.5 87.9 85.7
Diverse1 in % Total 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Germany 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Austria 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
No information2 in % Total 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0
Germany 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0
Austria 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0
Up to the age of 30 in % Total 31.9 30.8 29.7 11.6 10.9 10.2 0.0 0.0 0.0
Germany 31.5 30.3 28.9 10.5 9.6 9.3 0.0 0.0 0.0
Austria 33.9 33.5 33.8 13.5 13.4 12.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
31–50 years old in % Total 39.0 39.5 39.9 59.9 60.1 60.2 44.1 44.4 42.9
Germany 38 38.5 39.1 60.7 61.4 61.6 43.0 44.3 41.8
Austria 44.3 44.3 44.2 58.4 57.6 57.5 50.0 45.5 50
Above 50 years old in % Total 29.1 29.8 30.4 28.6 29.0 29.6 55.9 55.6 57.1
Germany 30.5 31.2 32.0 28.9 29.0 29.2 57.0 55.7 58.2
Austria 21.8 22.1 22.1 28.1 28.9 30.4 50.0 54.5 50
Disabled employees quota per capita3 Total 3.2 3.0 3.1 1.8 1.7 1.6 0.5 0.9 1.0
Germany 3.4 3.3 3.3 2.1 1.8 1.8 0.6 1.1 1.1
Austria 1.6 1.9 2.0 1.3 1.4 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0

Scope: The REWE Group companies in Germany and Austria, including retailers

1 Gender entry “diverse”: We accept no liability for the completeness of the information. The information on the gender entry is voluntary, employees do not have to disclose this. This information has been available in Germany since 2019; a retroactive change is possible. This information is not collected for employees in Austria.

2 “No information” entry: This entry may contain information for which employees did not make an assignment.

3 The disability quota is calculated on a per capita basis and thus has a different basis of calculation than the mandatory employment quota of severely disabled persons pursuant to Section 71 of the Social Code (SGB) IX (Germany). The calculation of the disabled employees quota per capita was chosen in order to be able to determine a uniform cross-border key figure (Germany and Austria). People with disabilities are defined pursuant to Social Code (SGB) Sec. 2 (Germany) and Disability Employment Act (BEinstG) (Austria).

Composition of Managing Control Bodies

Year Headcount Women in % Men in % Up to the age of 30 in % 31–50 years old in % Over 50 years old in %
Executive Board 2020 4 0 100 0 25 75
2021 4 0 100 0 25 75
2022 5 0 100 0 40 60
Supervisory board D
(RZAG and RZF)
2020 32 25 75 0 31.3 68.7
2021 32 25 75 0 25 75
2022 38 23.35 76.65 0 34.15 65.85
Executive Board RIAG (Austria) 2020 41 0 100 0 50 50
2021 4 0 100 0 100 0
2022 4 0 100 0 50 50
Supervisory board (Austria) 2020 4 0 100 0 50 50
2021 4 0 100 0 50 50
2022 4 0 100 0 25 75

Scope: The REWE Group companies in Germany and Austria, including retailers

1 GRI 2-4: The number of board members differs from information from the previous year because of restructuring during 2020.

Proportion of employees of foreign nationality

Employees Executives Top Executives
Region 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022
Total headcount Total 249,784 249,489 251,461 14,424 14,402 14,504 211 207 205
Germany 210,382 209,928 210,904 9,261 9,342 9,609 179 174 177
Austria 39,402 39,561 40,557 5,163 5,060 4,895 32 33 28
Headcount foreign nationality Total 38,823 40,873 44,341 1,530 1,634 1,674 17 19 19
Germany 27,786 29,242 31,502 605 661 698 7 8 9
Austria 11,037 11,631 12,839 925 973 976 10 11 10
Proportion of foreign nationalities in % Total 15.5 16.4 17.6 10.6 11.3 11.5 8.1 9.2 9.3
Germany 13.2 13.9 14.9 6.5 7.1 7.3 3.9 4.6 5.1
Austria 28.0 29.4 31.7 17.9 19.2 19.9 31.3 33.3 35.7

Scope: The REWE Group companies in Germany and Austria, including retailers

GRI 405-2: Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men

Collective Agreements Guarantee Pay Regardless of Gender

Equal work for equal pay is of central importance at the REWE Group. This is largely guaranteed through collective agreements – i.e. payment is based on the respective remuneration category regardless of gender or other factors. At the REWE Group, 98.6 per cent of employees in Germany and Austria (excl. retailers) are covered by collective agreements and/or company agreements (2021: 98.6%). In relation to the scope of the Sustainability Report including independent retailers, the figure is 71.3 per cent (2021: 71.9%). In the case of REWE retailers, a collective agreement is normally drawn up when a company joins an employers’ association.

The German Transparency in Wage Structures Act aims to enforce equal pay for women and men for the same work or work of equal value. Twelve enquiries from employees were recorded on this topic during the reporting year. With regard to equal pay enquiries, employees can contact the central Compensation & Benefit department. This process is coordinated with the works councils.

GRI 406-1: Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken

Fighting Discrimination

The REWE Group punishes cases of discrimination with disciplinary and, if necessary, personnel measures. At present, cases of discrimination in the Group in Germany are not recorded centrally; the regional contact persons take all necessary measures.

The REWE Group consistently pursues every indication of discrimination and punishes it with disciplinary and, if necessary, personnel measures.

At the REWE Group in Austria, 20 employees turned to their persons of trust in the works council and/or HR department because of sexual harassment. In cases where the suspected sexual harassment was substantiated, corresponding measures were taken or employment relationships terminated. One case is currently being discussed by the Equal Treatment Committee.