Artboard 1
Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals

We*want to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. Eight of them are particularly relevant to us. An excerpt of our measures and objectives:

SDG 7:
Affordable and Clean Energy*

SDG 7:
Affordable and Clean Energy*

  • We are using green electricity in our stores, warehouses and travel offices in Germany and Austria since 2008. We have also concluded a Corporate Power Purchase Agreement – a ten-year electricity supply contract with green electricity from offshore wind farms in the North Sea from 2025. All units in Germany benefit from this contract and 10 per cent of the green electricity goes to the REWE Group in Austria.
  • We are increasing our energy efficiency based on our certified energy management systems in all units and by optimising logistics, among other things.
  • We are expanding the charging infrastructure for electric mobility in car parks at new REWE and PENNY stores in Germany. By the end of 2024, there should be up to 2,000 fast-charging stations.

*The scope includes REWE and PENNY in Germany, deviations are explicitly stated.

SDG 5:
Gender Equality*

SDG 5:
Gender Equality*

  • In our supply chains for private label products, we have formulated specific measures, objectives and requirements in our guideline on women in the supply chain to protect women and girls at REWE, PENNY and toom Baumarkt DIY stores in Germany and at BILLA, BIPA and ADEG in Austria.
  • For our raw materials, we rely on certifications of standards that set requirements for the equal treatment and protection of women.
  • We support women in projects to increase their income and train the employees of our strategic production sites on topics such as wages and working hours.
  • Within our company, we promote women and ensure equal pay for work of equal value, largely through collective labour agreements.

*The scope includes REWE and PENNY in Germany, deviations are explicitly stated.

SDG 2:
Zero Hunger*

SDG 2:
Zero Hunger*

  • For food that can no longer be sold but can be consumed without hesitation, we work together with food banks and the foodsharing organisation. We are committed to reducing any leftover food that remains by 30 per cent by 2025 and by 50 per cent by 2030.

*The scope includes REWE and PENNY in Germany, deviations are explicitly stated.

SDG 15:
Life on Land*

SDG 15:
Life on Land*

  • For wood and paper, we rely on the seals of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC®), Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification Schemes (PEFC™) or the Blauer Engel (Blue Angel) eco-label.
  • We want to achieve 100 per cent deforestation- and conversion-free supply chains for our private label products range by the end of 2025.2
  • We are switching our total soil range at REWE and PENNY in Germany and toom Baumarkt DIY stores to peat-free alternatives by 2025.
  • By 2025, we aim to convert all relevant, regional fruit and vegetable products from our private label products to biodiversity-promoting cultivation.

*The scope includes REWE and PENNY in Germany, deviations are explicitly stated.

2For our primary high-risk raw materials such as cocoa, coffee, palm oil and soy in animal feed with cut-off date 01/01/2020. Conversion refers to all valuable ecosystems.

SDG 14:
Life below Water*

SDG 14:
Life below Water*

  • We rely on standards such as Rainforest Alliance, Fairtrade, Cotton made in Africa and Naturland. These standards require producers to use water resources sustainably in their processes.
  • We are reducing water pollution caused by chemicals through a detox programme for clothing, shoes, and home textiles from our private label products.
  • In our guideline on fish and seafood, we set requirements for our business partners in the supply chain in terms of sustainable fishing. In addition, we aim to source 100 per cent-certified private label products (MSC, GLOBALG.A.P., ASC, organic certification) for fish products1.
  • In 2020, we set ourselves the goal of eliminating harmful microplastics from the formulations of our private label cosmetic products and have achieved this goal every year since then. Furthermore, we have been aiming to produce without defined synthetic and semi-synthetic polymers in dissolved/gel-like/liquid form since 2020. So far, we have only minimally missed this target in 2021.

*The scope includes REWE and PENNY in Germany, deviations are explicitly stated.

1In the frozen, convenience, fresh and tinned food sectors.

SDG 13:
Climate Action*

SDG 13:
Climate Action*

  • By joining the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) in March 2024, REWE Group committed itself to science-based climate targets based on the 1.5-degree path of the Paris Agreement. As a Group, we want to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. With REWE and PENNY in Germany, we already committed to science-based targets in July 2023.
  • By the end of 2024, we will require all strategic private label suppliers that are responsible for 75 per cent of product-related emissions to set climate targets in accordance with SBTi.
  • From 2022 to 2026, we will be contributing at least five million euros annually with REWE in the NABU Climate Fund for the rewetting of moorland soils degraded by agriculture and peat extraction.
  • In 2023, we developed the “Förderprogramm Klimaschutz” (Climate protection funding programme) under the umbrella of the Competence Centre for Agriculture and presented it at the beginning of 2024. Several million euros will be used to co-finance projects by private label suppliers to reduce GHG emissions in the supply chain.
  • At DERTOUR Group 2023, we have purchased Sustainable Aviation Fuel from the Lufthansa Group, which can reduce CO2 emissions by around 80 per cent compared to conventional kerosene.

*The scope includes REWE and PENNY in Germany, deviations are explicitly stated.

SDG 8:
Decent Work and Economic Growth*

SDG 8:
Decent Work and Economic Growth*

  • In our Group-wide Declaration of Principles, we commit to strengthening human rights and environmental rights and preventing, minimising and remedying their violation.
  • With regard to the German Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains (LkSG), we have implemented a Group-wide grievance procedure (see Supply Chain), which all potentially affected groups of people can use to report violations of human rights and environmental concerns at any time.
  • By 2030, all strategic suppliers and employees of production sites of REWE, PENNY and toom Baumarkt DIY stores’ private label products in Germany are to participate in training programmes to reduce negative impacts along the supply chain.

*The scope includes REWE and PENNY in Germany, deviations are explicitly stated.

SDG 12:
Responsible Consumption and Production*

SDG 12:
Responsible Consumption and Production*

  • We promote organic, vegan and regional private label products and are thus constantly expanding our more sustainable product range.
  • In 2023, we as REWE have together with the NABU Climate Fund (see SDG 13) sensitized consumers to the climate-relevant issue of peatland protection, and provide information on sustainability in campaigns such as #Umdenkbar at REWE or “Good Food” at BILLA.
  • We want to use 20 per cent less plastic in our sales and service packaging by the end of 2025. Our reusable alternative “Einfach Mehrweg” (simply reusable), developed by REWE together with SYKELL and Interzero, has been honoured with the “ECR Sustainability Award 2023”.
  • We use modern forecasting systems and automated ordering processes to reduce food waste, and also work together with the food bank and the foodsharing organisation (see also SDG 2).
  • With the sector project “Climate-conscious travel”, the DERTOUR Group created a standard for calculating the carbon footprint of a trip, which we communicate transparently in our offers.

*The scope includes REWE and PENNY in Germany, deviations are explicitly stated.