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Together for a sustainable society

We see ourselves as a good corporate citizen – in other words, we take responsibility where we do business and where help is needed.


  • We are committed to our responsibility to anchoring sustainability more and more firmly in society. To this end, we promote awareness of more sustainable consumption and responsible travel.
  • Together with our partners, we are involved in local projects in the areas of action of Conscious Nutrition and Exercise, Opportunities for Children and Young People, Conscious Approach to Food, Biodiversity and Environmental Protection. We also help in acute emergency situations worldwide.

With our sales lines, we support numerous projects in our four areas of action. The focus here is on the implementation of long-term and recurring measures.

REWE and PENNY have been supporting food bank organisation Tafel Deutschland e.V. since 1996 and 2007 respectively. In 2023, an additional 24 tonnes of food were donated at the federal food bank organisation meeting. As part of the project “Tafel macht Zukunft”(Tafel is Making the Future) the digital delivery note was expanded to 889 stores (2022: 472).

2.12 Mio. €

Our established “Gemeinsam Teller füllen!” (“Filling Plates Together!”) campaign at REWE and nahkauf in Germany collected 373,304 donation bags with long-life food worth over 2.12 million euros (2022: 486,514 bags and 2.43 million euros) for local food banks in Germany.

Together with the food bank organisation Tafel Deutschland e. V. and industry partners REWE in Germany provided 24 schools (2022: 23) and over 2,200 children (2022: 1,998) with nearly 380,000 (2022: 456,779) healthy breakfasts with the “Power Kiste” (power box). Over 2,000 children at 17 schools also received breakfast snacks with the “Power Kiste Light” (power boxes light).


PENNY in Germany awarded 700 (2022: 520) regional “Förderpenny” prizes totalling 987,500 euros (2022: 760,000 euros) in 2023. Applications were received from 5,400 (2022: 3,000) organisations that are committed to supporting children and young people.

Aid for Rhodes

In 2023, the DERTOUR Group donated around 54,000 euros to the Heliotropio organisation for reforestation and firefighting equipment on Rhodes. Forest fires had raged on the island. The DERTOUR Group doubled the 2,000 euros of donations received and threw 50,000 euros into the pot itself.


In 2023, nahkauf in Germany supported the organisation “Ein Herz für Kinder” (A Heart for Children) of the association “Bild e.V.” with a donation of 600,000 euros.

As part of our employee donation projects, we supported projects run by our partners food bank organisation Tafel Deutschland e.V., Little Homes, children’s charity “Kindernothilfe” and DER Touristik Foundation in 2023.

Toom Baumarkt DIY store has been supporting the “Verein Little Home Köln e. V.” association with building materials for mobile mini houses for homeless people since 2019. 12 such houses were built in 2023 (2022: 21).

The DER Touristik Foundation has initiated eight new funding projects in 2023, bringing the total to 97 projects in 28 countries on five continents since it was founded in 2014.

PENNY Italy has been cooperating with the AIRC Foundation for Cancer Research since 2022. Together, 12 products of the private label products for healthy nutrition “Welless” were developed. 10 cents per product are donated.

Following the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, the REWE Group donated 500,000 euros to the Deutsches Rotes Kreuz (German Red Cross) in February 2023 to help in the disaster area.

For more life in the sports club

That was the motto of our major project “Scheine für Vereine” (Vouchers for Sports Clubs) by REWE in Germany in 2023. Together with our new ambassador Jamal Musiala, we were able to support 23,249 sports clubs (2022: 20,969).