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Progress Report 2023

Our commitment to

For us as REWE Group, it is important to protect the environment and the climate, to promote more sustainable product ranges and to work towards a sustainable society. We also take responsibility for our employees and treat our partners and suppliers fairly. In this progress report, we present how we do this and what we have achieved in 2023. In a few short chapters and clear focus topics, we provide an insight into our commitment to greater sustainability, especially for the REWE Group companies in Germany and Austria, including the independent retailers (unless otherwise stated).

Sustainability Goals


limiting global warming

as REWE Group, we have joined the Science Based Targets initiative and want to achieve net zero emissions by 2050 - with a focus on drastic reductions not only in our own business activities, but also in our supply chains.


share of more eco-friendly private label packaging

at REWE and PENNY in Germany and BILLA, BILLA PLUS, PENNY and ADEG in Austria by the end of 2030


reduction of food wastage

in our REWE and PENNY stores in Germany by 2030


fresh meat and drinking milk from at least husbandry system standard 3 and 4

at REWE and PENNY in Germany by the end of 2030


gender balance in management positions

by 2025


Lionel Souque

“Our customers are always at the centre of our actions for more sustainability.”

Lionel Souque,
CEO of the REWE Group

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REWE Group Progress Report 2023

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Focus on Sustainability

We aim to make a measurable contribution to limiting global warming.
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Climate Protection

We aim to strengthen human rights, improve working conditions and promote fair trade, in our supply chains.
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Human Rights

We aim to permanently anchor sustainable consumption in consumers‘ everyday lives.
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We aim to get more people excited about more sustainable products and offer a continuously growing range of more sustainable products.
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Organic and

We aim to use as little packaging as possible and necessary – and to make unavoidable packaging more eco-friendly and recyclable.
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Circular Economy

We aim to preserve and promote biodiversity.
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We aim to promote animal welfare. We take our social responsibility seriously in order to promote and actively shape species-appropriate animal husbandry for animal products.
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Animal Welfare

We want our employees to be satisfied, efficient and productive - because they are crucial to the success of our company.
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As a good corporate citizen, we want to take responsibility within the scope of our possibilities where we are economically active and where help is needed.
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Social Involvement

Our Contribution to the Global Sustainability Goals

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations focus on the global challenges of sustainable development. As part of an analysis, we as REWE Group have identified relevant SDGs and show how we can contribute to their achievement.

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Our Supply Chains

As an international trade and tourism company, we source products and services from a large number of suppliers from different supply chains. We are therefore committed to strengthening human and environmental rights in our own business activities as well as in our global supply chains, preventing their violation or preventing, minimising and remedying them. Here we show how we do this, which raw materials and services we focus on and what the challenges are.

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REWE Group Progress Report 2023

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Archive of our Sustainability Reports

Detailed information on our strategy and other topics can be found in our Sustainability Report 2022 and older. These reports are prepared in accordance with the standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).
